
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

New Orthostatic Intolerance (OI) Video

I've been absent/silent lately here! If you follow me on social media, you know I'm still struggling to recover from COVID, which just made all my ME/CFS symptoms much worse (as you'd expect). Last week was particularly bad, and I spent several days in bed.

But, in between, on the days when I felt a little better, I managed to record, edit, and upload a new video: Orthostatic Intolerance in ME/CFS, long COVID, fibro, Lyme & EDS. You can click the link to watch on YouTube or watch below:

This video is based on my most popular blog post in over 16 years of writing this blog! Year after year, this post that I wrote in 2010 shows up as the one with the most visits. 

Orthostatic Intolerance (OI) is a hot topic on my blog for good reason. It is an integral part of ME/CFS (one study showed that over 97% of us have some form of it), and it is treatable! It can take a bit of trial and error (and patience), but treating OI often brings dramatic results, decreasing all symptoms and improving quality of life. It's been life-changing for my sons and I over the years--got my two sons back to school full-time when they were young and allows me to be active without crashing (usually, without COVID messing things up!).

I also wrote a 2-part article on OI for the ProHealth website. All of my articles (and many others) were taken down when they revamped their website last year, but making the video gave me the motivation to scan my articles and get them back online last week. This two-part series covers:

Part 1: Diagnosing Orthostatic Intolerance

Part 2: Treating Orthostatic Intolerance

These articles are especially good for sharing with your doctor(s), as they are brief, cover the most important points, and include scientific references at the end, in case your doctor wants to look up more information.

Check out the video or read the blog post or articles, if you prefer. If you are sick of being sick and struggling through each day, treating OI is one of the simplest and most effective things you can do to improve your life!

And please let me know if you have any questions, in the comments here or in the comments below the video or on Twitter or my Facebook page.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

TV Tuesday: The Handmaid's Tale

One of the best TV shows we've seen in the past six months--perhaps ever--is the The Handmaid's Tale, adapted from Margaret Atwood's modern classic novel (my review at the link). My husband and I both read the novel, and the adaptation is outstanding. It's an accurate recreation of the world and story Atwood created, only expanded and deepened.

Elisabeth Moss stars as June Osborne, who is now known as Offred (Of-Fred, her commander) in this chilling dystopian world known as Gilead. Commander Fred Waterford, played by Joseph Fiennes, runs the household where Offred resides as handmaid. His wife, Serena Waterford (played by Yvonne Strahovski), desperately wants a baby but, like most women in this world, is infertile and must rely on her handmaid. Once a month, in a bizarre and horrifying Ceremony, Mrs. Waterford holds Offred down while her husband "plants his seed" (as it says in the novel). The rest of the upper-crust household is filled out by a Martha servant (played by Amanda Brugel) whose real name was Rita in the before world, and Nick (played by Max Minghella), who works as a driver, bodyguard, and general handyman at the house. In flashbacks, we see that June and the other handmaids were captured during the revolution and spent time in a training center to learn how to be proper handmaids. Her best friend, Moira (played by Samira Wiley) was at the center with June, and flashbacks show June and Moira enjoying their freedom and friendship in the before world. Their particular Training Center was overseen by "Aunt Lydia," played by Ann Dowd, with a disturbing mix of motherly kindness and terrifying cruelty toward "her girls." When she was captured, June was separated from her husband, Luke (played by O-T Fagbenle), and their daughter, Hannah, and June is desperate to find out where Luke and Hannah are. This tightly-controlled world is ruled by religion and uses scripture to justify every aspect of their warped society, even the mandated monthly rape. June and the other handmaids must strictly comply with the rules of society and their households or risk severe punishment, but inside their brains and their hearts, they still yearn for their real families and old lives.

Any description of this show feels inadequate in fully embodying its compelling and powerful story. While adaptations often fall short of the original material, this stunning show has taken Atwood's clever, imaginative, thoughtful novel and not only brought it to life but filled in the details and richness of the story to bring it to new heights. We are now watching season 4 (a fifth one is planned), and the plot has been delightfully twisty and unpredictable, as June's desire and strength to fight back have grown. Most of all, the acting on this show is absolutely outstanding. Moss is, of course, the undisputed star of the show, showing an incredible range of emotions from grief to love to rage and everything in between, but every single actor here shows a stunning complexity in their roles. Serena used to be a modern career woman and must now be the proper, submissive wife. She and Fred actually helped to create this society that she is now trapped in. Like June, Rita must be a silent and passive servant as the Martha of the house, without her own needs or desires. Even Fred, as the powerful head of household, has some complicated feelings about his wife and his handmaid. Taken as a whole, the incredible talent here, in writing and acting, and the breathtaking sets and cinematography combine to provide a powerful viewing experience that grabs hold of you and won't let go. It's one of the best shows we've ever seen, and we are completely hooked.

The Handmaid's Tale is a Hulu original, so it is available there. Episodes and seasons can also be purchased on Amazon. There are currently four seasons, and a fifth one is planned. Our son's student Hulu account runs out this month, so we are rushing to finish season four, but we might have to subscribe ourselves to see the last one when it is released!

The trailer below for Season 1 provides scenes from the show and a bit of background as to how Gilead came to be:

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Weekly Inspiration: Let's Get to Know Each Other!

A year ago, I started my YouTube channel, and since then, I have posted 86 videos, with 16 of them being directly about living with chronic illness (the rest are about books and reading). But, it occurred to me that I only talk about chronic illness and books (and same for other YouTubers in both the chronic illness and book worlds) and that it would be fun to get to know each better!

So, I started my own original tag, All About Me (a YouTube tag video provides questions or another framework for people to share their own answers). The idea is to tell my viewers/readers more about myself, beyond the details of my chronic illness or my reading habits. And I am hoping that others will also do the same, so I can learn more about the YouTubers, bloggers, and other patients whose videos, blogs, and comments I enjoy.

Especially in the chronic illness community, the connections I have made online have greatly enriched my life and provided comfort and support when it feels like no one else "gets it."

At its heart, it comes down to this:

We are more than our illnesses.

We are all complex, interesting people! Here's my All About Me video - click the link to watch it on YouTube or you can watch it below.

And, now it's YOUR turn! I'd love to learn more about you, too! Make your own All About Me video or blog post (the questions are listed in the notes below the video on YouTube) or just share something about yourself in the comments below or on my blog's Facebook page or in the wonderful chronic illness Twitter community (I will post this to my own Twitter feed.)

Let's get to know each other better!

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

It's My 20-Year Illiversary

On March 2, 2002, I woke up feeling awful, exhausted and aching all over, with the worst sore throat I'd ever had, and my life forever split into Before and After. Today, it's been a full 20 years of living in the After and adjusting to life with chronic illness. A lot has happened since then, with lots of ups and downs, though thanks to many effective treatments, I am in much better shape and able to do more now than I was 15-20 years ago. You can read a more story-like summary of our years of illness at the Our Story tab, but here's a detailed summary.

March 2, 2002

Abrupt onset (like 75-80% of patients) of ME/CFS, with flu-like symptoms. Unsure what the initial trigger was, but it could have been my allergy shots, since I had just recently reached the maintenance level. Symptoms came and went in seemingly random patterns (it took a long time to finally see the exertion-crash pattern). 

March 2003

Diagnosis! After a year of getting hundreds of lab tests and seeing dozens of doctors (all of whom said, "I have no idea what's wrong with you"), I went to see our new primary care physician for the first time. She was close to our house, was a woman, and was accepting new patients; otherwise, we chose her somewhat randomly! I showed her my 3-ring binder full of lab results and symptom graphs and pointed out the mysterious ups and downs. 

She said, "I'm pretty sure you have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I have a few other patients with it. Would you like to try some treatments?" That sounded like something made-up to me, so I did a little more research, found a CDC website about it, and read a couple of books where I recognized my "mystery illness" for the first time in their pages. 

I went back to her, and she started trying treatments, telling me the first priority was to correct my sleep dysfunction because good quality sleep would improve everything. She was right, of course!

Yes, I know how incredibly lucky I was to find her!!


July 2004

While on vacation, my husband and our younger son both got a virus, including a cough that lasted for 6 weeks (with current knowledge, possibly a SARS-type virus?). After that, both of our sons started showing signs of ME/CFS (though we didn't want to believe it) - fatigue, recurring sore throats, and worst of all, crashes after exercise. The older son (who hadn't caught the virus but had been exposed) had more severe symptoms.


December 2004

Our older son and I went to western NY state (near my hometown of Rochester) to see Dr. David Bell, a renowned ME/CFS specialist (now retired) and the top pediatric ME/CFS expert in the world at the time. He officially diagnosed our son with ME/CFS (then known often as CFIDS) and confirmed my diagnosis.

Dr. Bell also did an OI standing test of my son in the office. I had read about Orthostatic Intolerance (OI) but didn't think we had it because we never felt dizzy or fainted. Boy, was I wrong! I was stunned by how sick my son got from less than 10 minutes of standing in the doctor's office, as his heart rate went sky-high and his blood pressure plummeted. Dr. Bell explained that I would react the same way but might be too sick to get the two of us home that night!

May 2005

Dr. Bell had introduced us to Dr. Peter Rowe at Johns Hopkins, who specialized in OI, especially in kids with ME/CFS. He couldn't take on any new patients (even back then!) but talked to me by phone and e-mail and spent two hours on the phone with our pediatrician, teaching her all about OI and how to treat it. Our son began taking Florinef (fludrocortisone), which helps the body hold onto more fluids and salt to overcome the low blood volume in ME/CFS. Once he got up to an effective dose (0.2 mg for him at that time), it was like someone had flipped a switch, and he came back to life! By spring 2006, he was back at school full-time, had resumed extracurriculars, like band, and was playing soccer again.



Both my son and I continued seeing our primary care doctors, consulting with Dr. Bell and Dr. Rowe, and started seeing Dr. Susan Levine, ME/CFS specialist in NYC. Through all of those doctors, we both corrected sleep dysfunction, treated immune dysfunction and underlying infections, and treated OI (low-dose beta blockers helped a lot). Both of us improved significantly.


Spring 2007

Our older son got Lyme disease for the second time. The first time, before ME/CFS, he had been treated and had fully recovered, with no symptoms for over a year, until ME/CFS hit. This time, standard treatment (a month of antibiotics) helped with some new, acute symptoms but his worsened fatigue and other symptoms continued.

That spring, we finally got our younger son officially diagnosed. His symptoms were always milder, and we'd talked to Dr. Bell about him, but since he was only 6 when the boys first got ME/CFS and was still able to function semi-normally, he advised us to wait to diagnose him, saying sometimes younger kids with mild symptoms recover. But by March of 3rd grade, he had missed 35 days of school already, and his principal called us to find out why. With everything she'd learned from Dr. Bell and Dr. Rowe, our own pediatrician ran all the tests to rule out other things and diagnosed him. She also immediately began treating him with Florinef, and he was soon back to living a pretty normal life, other than crashing when exposed to a virus or after extreme exertion. He stayed on Florinef and generally missed 20-30 days of school a year (and had accommodations plans, like his brother), until age 16, when he did indeed recover fully.

August 2008

Sudden onset of knee pain and nausea told me that I, too, had Lyme disease, though my screening tests kept coming back negative. After much arguing (and some tears on my part), my primary care doctor agreed to try a course of doxycycline. My symptoms immediately cleared up, back to my "normal" ME/CFS baseline, and she was convinced! After a few months of treatment, when the symptoms still came back after stopping antibiotics, she said we were beyond her expertise, and we found a Lyme specialist in a neighboring state, who tested me for co-infections (none) and kept treating my Lyme with a varied treatment approach that worked well.


Despite the treatments that had initially helped, our son got gradually worse over a three-year period. He had some odd symptoms his pediatrician couldn't identify, but with the help of a parents' group online, I finally realized his weird rashes were from bartonella, another tick infection. I took him to my Lyme specialist, who discovered he still had Lyme, plus bartonella and babesia, all probably from that initial 2007 bite. More on tick infections, which are common among those with ME/CFS and fibro).


My Lyme symptoms kept returning, and I kept treating for a period of time then stopping, in a never-ending cycle! In 2019, I started seeing the new Lyme specialist our son was seeing (we loved our old one, but this one was closer to home). She suggested some new approaches that helped.

May 2019-present

After finishing college (an arduous process, even with accommodations), our son hit bottom medically. He was very ill, almost homebound and had some new symptoms, including anxiety and severe GI symptoms. He had lost 40 pounds and was vomiting every day and nauseous all the time. That's when he started seeing the new Lyme specialist, along with her partner, a functional medicine specialist. Between the two of them (and lots of testing and new treatments), our son has gradually improved and is doing quite well now. He was able to work 30 hours a week last summer and is now looking for a full-time job, which feels like a miracle!

March 2020-November 2021

Yes, that was the start of the pandemic, but for me, it was also the start of a 22-month-long relapse with no obvious cause. I suspected my Lyme again and went back to the new Lyme specialist, who helped me to once again get my Lyme under control with some new treatments. She also found and treated hypothyroidism. The Lyme flaring up and the worsened immune dysfunction of ME/CFS triggered old viruses to reactivate again, so I went back on antivirals. And, kind of by accident, I discovered that a higher dose of inosine (a super-cheap and over-the-counter immune modulator) on my high-dose weeks also helped. I think all of these factors helped, and by December 2021, I was back to my previous "normal" ME/CFS baseline (keeping up all those treatments).

January 2022-present

Finally feeling pretty good again, I got COVID on January 5 from my father-in-law's nursing home! I am mostly recovered, though energy and stamina are still lower than normal for me. I am slowly getting back (I hope) to my baseline.

Whew, that was supposed to be a quick summary! Nothing with these illnesses is simple, of course. But, that's our story, so far.

How long have you been ill?

Which diagnoses do you have?

What treatments have most helped?

Let me know in the comments below.