
Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I've been badly crashed since Monday evening this week. Maybe it's because I was too active this weekend or stayed too long at a festival with my family Saturday night. Maybe it's a response to finally getting back to my full dose of Valtrex (insurance mess finally resolved). Maybe it's because my sons' best friend has a cold and his virus is affecting me.

It doesn't really matter why, I guess. The fact is that this is a full-out, can't-ignore-it crash. I knew Monday night when my throat hurt so horribly and I felt achy all over.

It took me several years to learn this lesson, but I know when my symptoms get this bad that I have to give up, give in, and surrender completely. I've spent the past two days almost entirely in bed, rather than trying to get a few things done, as I might with milder symptoms. I've learned the hard way that if I keep pushing when it's this bad, it will only last longer and get worse.

There's no way out of a severe crash except through it. Back to the couch...


  1. So sorry to hear of your crash. But you're doing what you need to do now. Hope you are better soon.

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Hope you are managing the crash as well as possible, Sue. I have been sick since 1998 and have been taking Valcyte since late June 2007. Am having a pretty rough time (I am a professor and am trying to manage with a reduced workload this semester), and I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I have really appreciated being able to peek in on your blog and that I am pulling for you here in CT.

    All the best, Karen

  3. Thanks so much, Karen. I've had a very rough week, and it really lifted me up to read your kind words. Please let me know once in awhile how you're doing on Valcyte. This is all so new that it's good to hear from others in the same situation.

