
Monday, January 21, 2008

CFS in the Local News

We've gotten some nice local news coverage of CFS lately while the CDC & CFIDS Association's photo exhibit, Faces of CFS, has been in Philadelphia (about 30 minutes from where I live in Delaware).

Our own local Delaware newspaper kicked off the new year with a very good profile article on January 1st about a woman here who has CFS. It included mostly accurate facts (they messed up the name) from the CDC and from the CFIDS Association. The paper also printed my letter to the editor, thanking them for running the article and pointing out that CFS also affects kids and teens. (I waited too long to post this, so the article and letter are no longer online).

On Friday, January 11, NPR's Morning Edition ran a fairly good story about CFS on our local affiliate WHYY, including an interview with a local doctor who treats CFS. Again, mostly accurate, and it emphasized the seriousness of CFIDS (though they also got the name wrong, saying the D stood for deficiency). I tried to include a link, but it seems to have disappeared?

Here's another local radio program featuring CFS. I missed this one when it broadcast, but it's available online (page down to Special Features on the right side to listen).

A fellow CFIDS blogger was featured in a story about CFS on the local CBS news last week. Jennie did a great job in the piece.

At the same time, lots of major news outlets, including CBS News, have been covering the recent CDC study that showed women with CFS have low levels of cortisol. Good, solid science linked with CFS is always helpful in educating the public.

All of this news coverage has been great! We really seem to be entering a new era of taking CFS seriously. Misguided doctors and other people can't ignore all of these news stories. More, more!

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