
Friday, February 22, 2008

Cabin Fever


My two boys have been home sick all week - Craig seemed to have the nasty virus that's been making the rounds here lately and Jamie was badly crashed. They both improved a bit today, but school was cancelled due to weather (a mere inch of snow!). So, I've had a full week of caring for sick kids round the clock - lots of cooking, doing dishes (one-handed because of my stitches), reading, and watching movies. We maxed out our DVD allotment from the library.

It's been impossible to get any real work done this week - too many interruptions and distractions (not to mention at least one kid saying, "I'm hungry," every time I sit down). I've done all that I could from my laptop in the family room: paid bills, sent invoices for work, written in my blogs.

Thank goodness for books. When Jamie (my 13-year old) gets sick, he reads non-stop. Between his crash two weeks ago and this week, he's read 10 books! Fortunately, we have a huge supply of new books because I review kids' books for Family Fun magazine. I also enjoy writing reviews of both kid and grown-up books for my book blog, so writing and reading reviews has helped to keep me entertained this week.

But now it's Friday, the end of a looong week of being stuck inside, and I feel restless and bored. On the bright side, feeling restless means I feel well enough to want to do lots of things. I've had an amazingly good two months. I'm checking into a few things to be sure I have my facts straight, but I'll post more about what's helped me so much next week.

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Thank you for bloggin how you are all doing better. I'd been wondering if things were better. How is the gerbil?

    I've been lucky. The Valcyte is working for me. Ive only had normal colds for over 5 months. No antibiotics for the first fall and winter in over 20 years.

    My son is sick and Im concerned that he is showing signs of CFS. He is so bad we are considering homeschooling the rest of the year to get him well. We've done this before, so we know what we are up against.

    I hope with all my heart that treatements and cures come to you, your sons, and all the other sufferers out there. If this diesase lets me go, Im not going to walk away and pretend it didn't happen.

  2. I hope Jamie is better now, there is something going around this year (I know people always say that, BUT this year almost everyone I know either got a cold/flu thing or a family member did) Reviewing chldren's books sounds like such fun.

  3. S -

    Our hamster is doing fine so far, but the vet thinks the growth on his cheek is probably cancer. It's not getting bigger right now, and he's acting normally, so we're hoping he'll be OK.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your son. That's a very difficult time to go through - we've been there (twice). Be sure to take a look at the school resources I listed on my February 11 blog. Homeschooling is just one option for sick kids; there are many others.

    Also, if you suspect your son has CFS, he should be evaluated for orthostatic intolerance/hypotension. Treating OI almost always makes a huge improvement in stamina and all symptoms in kids with CFS. It's done wonders for my two boys and allowed them both to attend school regularly.

    Good luck and let me know how things go.


  4. Diane -

    Thanks for your note. Jamie is doing better - he was even able to attend his middle school semi-formal dance Friday night! And you're right - the viruses going around this winter are really bad. I've heard from so many people that they or their kids (without CFS!) were sick for 2-3 weeks with this fever/cough thing. Craig has missed two weeks of school with it but seems to have finally shaken it.

    Oh, and reviewing kids' books is fun! I really enjoy it and am looking for more opportunities to do it.


  5. Hi Sue, I would love to hear what has helped you have a good two months! I've been using gamma globulin, and that has helped me, but I still have to micro-manage each and every day. So all hints as to what you have found would be helpful. I am about to take a month long trip for the first time in seven years, and am slightly terrified about my health, so am looking for anything I can do. Thanks, Sandra

  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Interesting to know.
