
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I've been crazy busy, as I'm sure everyone has this week. We had a really hectic weekend. We had planned to drive to Connecticut Friday when the kids got out of school to celebrate Christmas with my family there. Thursday afternoon, we learned there was a huge snow & ice storm predicted for Friday, so within a couple of hours, we packed up and left by Thursday evening! It was all very last-minute, but it worked out. My sister and I both made it to my Mom's house, and we all spent two days together. Then we had to hurry up and drive back Saturday night before a second snow & ice storm hit! Not exactly what we'd planned, but we got to enjoy some time together. The only downside was that my 2-year old nephew came down with strep throat while we were there. So, far we're all OK but keeping our fingers crossed!

I've been feeling really good. The double-dose of doxycycline is definitely working on my Lyme. I've had great energy this past week and even managed all that hectic, last-minute packing and traveling without crashing. My Mom was amazed by how well I seemed; she said it was like having the "old me" back. I did a bit too much yesterday and am run-down today, but at least I finished all our holiday preparation yesterday and am able to just relax today. Speaking of that, it's nap-time!

I hope everyone enjoys this time with family and friends and has a very happy and HEALTHY holiday season!


  1. Hi Sue - hope your xmas was nice. Question - does everyone with lyme have the joint pain?? Thanks..

  2. Dear Paula -

    The CDC's website says that about 60% of people with untreated Lyme develop joint pain after a couple of months. I don't know whether it's possible for someone with long-term untreated Lyme to NOT have joint pain, but I would again refer you to the website - they've got very detailed information there.

    Although joint pain is a prominent feature of Lyme, it is not a symptom of all of the other tick-borne infections - some of those are characterized by more CFS-like symptoms, like fatigue and exercise intolerance, as well as other symptoms like night sweats. Again, the ILADS website will have the most complete information on co-infections also.

