
Monday, April 20, 2009

A Bit Overwhelmed

Two weeks ago, I said I was coming back to life, after weeks of Lyme treatment herxing. That turned out to be premature optimism, and I spent another two weeks lying on the couch.

But, now, I really do seem to be coming out of it and getting back to my own version of normal. I feel a bit like Rip Van Winkle, though, waking up after six weeks of being unable to do anything. I'm discovering unpaid bills, school notices I missed, and piles of unopened mail. There are so many laundry baskets and piles of clothes in the hallway we can barely get into the house.

I'm also worried about making some money. I've only been able to tackle the absolutely necessary writing assignments lately, so I got back to work today sending out new pitches to my editor. Two of the magazines I pitched to in the past six months have now gone out of print. We were planning to quit our pool membership this year, but we missed the deadline (one of those unpaid bills!), so that's another expense. Worst of all, my husband's company just announced that everyone has to take 10 days off without pay this year.

To top it all off, my father-in-law called yesterday to tell us he fell in the shower last Tuesday (and never called!). He's been in terrible pain, so we rushed around to make him an appointment with a doctor (he needed a little push), and Ken will be flying out to Oklahoma tomorrow to help him out this week.

Whew, my head is spinning! I feel guilty just taking time out to write this post (another thing I'm way behind on - writing and reading blogs).

I don't mean to complain, though. Really. I'm so relieved to be up and around again, and I'm very much aware that some people with CFS (including some of you!) are always as incapacitated as I have been recently. How do you keep up?

Well, I better go pay another bill and get back to digging out from under. Despite all the piles, it's good to be back.


  1. Hi Sue,
    I'm glad you're feeling better and sorry to hear about your father-in-law. With the other things, I like to take the "one day at a time" attitude. If you think about it all at once it IS overwhelming!

    I've been out of the loop myself for a couple of weeks, but voluntarily so. It was time to move away from the daily obligations for a little while to re-group.

    Hope you continue to feel better each day.

  2. Wow, voluntarily taking yourself out of the loop to regroup - sounds really great!


  3. Take it easy! You know if you push it you'll be back on the couch again. Pace and rest! You can eat an elephant if you do it slowly enough.

    All the best. . .

  4. Jo -

    You are so right - and I love the way you put it! By last evening, I was wiped out and hurt all over. My husband let me sleep in this morning (since I'll be on early-morning duty all week with him gone), so I'm doing OK today. But I will definitely take your advice!


  5. Wow Sue, you are going through a lot! I hope you can get some solid peaceful rest.

    You asked how those of us always incapacitated do it? I do a little bit each day but I don't have 2 kids (who sound wonderful) to take care of.

    I wish you a speedy healing from lyme.


  6. I'm trying to learn the ebb and flow of this crazy thing. One of the toughest things to get the hang of is how to NOT overdo things when you come out of a crash. It seems there is so much to be done, it is hard not to do them all at once. So, yes, Jo is right -- pace and rest!

  7. I like the regroup idea ~ what comes to mind for me is "stop and drop" until you regain the energy that has been taken by all that is going on in your life right now.
    Sounds like your hubby came to your rescue so you could nice!

  8. You're all right, and I'm trying hard not to overdo - hanging on OK so far this week. My husband left to visit his parents in Oklahoma on Tuesday, so I was forced to slow down - I have to be extra careful not to crash while he's away, since I'm on my own with the kids!

    Also, Jamie's been home sick with bronchitis all week, so I've been trying to keep him company in the family room and we've enjoyed some movies together - also kept me from running around too much.

    Oh, and all that laundry is cleared out of the hallway finally! Much better for my mental health.

    So far, so good!


  9. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Stop drop and roll with the punches!

    Yeah Eat the Elephant.....

    but we all get real tired of elephant. Elephant steak, Elephant burgers, elephant on a stick....

  10. Ha ha ha - I wish I knew who left that last comment - you have a great sense of humor!

    Yes, these small bites of elephant do get old after awhile.

    Thanks for the much-needed laugh!

