
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

CFS in Redbook

Hey, guess what? Our family is featured in an article in the July issue of Redbook about happy families (page 174)! Isn't that cool?

I responded to a request from the author for interviews with families who had been through rough times and were happy. Her article even included a mention of my CFS blog (in a paragraph about how helping other people helps us), but unfortunately, that paragraph was cut in the editing process. The good news, though, is that the article names CFS and mentions how debilitating it is - good, accurate PR for CFS is always good!


  1. Wow! This is fantastic, Sue! Maybe the readers will be able to google you and get to your blog! What a great educational tool for CFS/ME.

  2. Thanks, Renee!

    Besides the good PR for CFS, I was pleased that our sons got to see in a very public way that I consider us to be a happy family. They loved the article!


  3. That's great news! I'm sure your sons must have been excited about it as well. Congrats, and thanks for helping to spread the word about CFS.

  4. Awesome Sue...what a great way to educate about CFS and to celebrate your family staying strong and happy through living with the challenges of CFS.

  5. Hey, that's great! Congratulations -- I'll have to hunt down a copy. Thanks for getting the word out!

  6. Fantastic, finally a Jackson I want to read about in print! Congrats Sue! I'll pick one up too!

  7. That's very cool! Well done you!

  8. So fantastic - I can't wait to read it!

  9. That's great, Sue - I'll have to keep my eyes open for it!

  10. That's great. We ARE getting around. This shows how legitimate we are getting: Redbook includes us in an article on rough times. I think that's amazing!

  11. Terrific Sue! Imagine how many people will read it and have some understanding of CFS for the very first time. I'm so glad you responded to the request for stories and, of course, that your sons love the article. I'll have my husband look for it in the supermarket the next time her shops.

  12. Fantastic! I'm going to look for a copy. What a great way to get info out there about this illness!

  13. Anonymous2:58 PM

    The link for the online article is.

    There are two pages and Sue is on page 2.

    Congrats! I wish my family was more understanding. Im still just crazy.

  14. This is wonderful! I need to go get the magazine to read the article.

  15. Thanks for all the nice comments! And thanks very much to whoever posted the online link to the article - I stopped at the drugstore today to pick up extra copies for my mom and mother-in-law and they already had the August issue out!

