
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Where Did the Week Go?

It's already time for me to head back to Connecticut to pick up the boys.

I've enjoyed my quiet solitude, but it will be nice to have them back home. Then again, it's been a full week since our cleaning service was here, and the house is still clean! Just kidding - I'll take their mess and noise along with their sweet company.

I had a wonderfully social day yesterday - a nice change for me. I met my two closest friends in the morning for a walk at the nature center. It was hot and sticky, but it was so much fun to be able to join them again on our weekly walk! It's been months since I was able to do that. I came home and finished a writing assignment, then met them again for a nice lunch. We never run out of things to talk about!

I'm a little run-down today from my walk yesterday (a full hour!), but I'm still optimistic that I'll be able to make the drive to Connecticut later today, after my nap. Several times in past years, I was too sick, and Ken had to take time off from work instead. He told me last night before bed, "Just call me in the morning if you don't feel well enough." Hopefully, I won't need to. Besides, I have plans to meet an old college friend for dinner in CT tonight.

After an early lunch and a (hopefully) refreshing nap, I'll load up the car with my snacks and audio books and head out. The boys and I will drive back home tomorrow morning. Then, it's back to normal life for a couple weeks, until our next trip!


  1. A walk with friends. How wonderful.

    Re: your comment about SSRIs and tricyclics on my last post. The doc that prescribed the 'cocktail' said it was unorthodox but not unheard of. He had several patients on the mix. I take a low dose though. They do bounce off each other and I find the tricyclic makes the SSRI more stimulating and, so, can disturb my sleep if I don't take it with my breakfast.

    Enjoy having your boys back. I hope they had a great time.

  2. Thanks for the info, Jo! I appreciate it. Whatever works, right?

  3. Sounds like you had a great week..and a walk with friends too! Fun! Hope your trip to CT goes well too and no "side effects" of traveling.

  4. I just love this blog world of ours...where else could I mention a walk with friends and everyone would GET what a cause for celebration that is!

    As I'd hoped, I'm feeling better after my nap and am heading out now.


  5. Sue, Wonderful that you were able to walk out in nature with your friends. (An What a treat it is to be able to do what we often can't.

    Wishing you a safe trip to get your boys and a nice dinner with your friend from college.

  6. Hi Sue! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sounds like you've had a great week. :)

  7. The walk sounds wonderful. That's great you were able to walk for an hour! It's such a gift when we can do these things.
