
Friday, October 16, 2009

More Infrormation on XMRV Virus and CFS

Information continues to pour out regarding the new study showing a relationship between the XMRV retrovirus and CFS:


  1. Thanks for posting those links. I'm so excited that Laura Hillenbrand is finishing a new book. I can't wait to read it!

    These are exciting times. Did you see the interview with Dr. Klimas?

    NPR is having a retrovirologist on at 2:00 EST to discuss XMRV.

    My Dr. prescribed LDN for me. Are you still taking it? Any tips?

  2. I am trying to be cautiously optimistic about this development, but, right now, it really seems like such a big deal, a real 'game changer.' Here's hoping.

  3. These are great links! Thanks, Sue.

  4. Thanks so much for posting these links, Sue. Dr. Klimas' comments in which she discussed her HIV patients (declaring they are hale and hearty compared to her CFS patients) was stunning. Of course, none of us wants to get into "comparing" levels of disability, but those types of comments do help us to be taken legitimately.

    I was also excited to hear that Laura Hillenbrand has a new book coming out despite the relapse she had. As you know, my book on living well with chronic illness has been accepted for publication (I'm waiting start the editing process). Reading about how Laura Hillenbrand struggles to write reminds me so much of how I struggled to get the manuscript finished, working too hard on some days and, as a result, not being to do anything on it for weeks at a time.

  5. Thank you so much for all the info and making it available to us!

  6. martine channon6:51 PM

    Thanks for the great updates & links Sue & feel better!

  7. Thanks for posting all these!
