
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Quote It Saturday 11/14

I've adopted a weekly feature from my book blog for my CFS blog, featuring book quotes that speak to our challenges in living with chronic illness.

Today's quote is from Christopher Reeve's amazing memoir, Still Me. I'm not normally into celebrity memoirs, but this one is unique. Reeve's strength and courage in the face of his complete paralysis is inspiring and awesome. I also highly recommend his follow-up memoir, Nothing Is Impossible. The things that he managed to accomplish while unable to move were incredible. Of course, vast wealth does help, but his positive attitude and personal strength in the face of such huge physical challenges is still awe-inspiring, as shown here:

If someone were to ask me what is the most difficult lesson I've learned from all this, I'm very clear about it: I know I have to give when sometimes I really want to take. I've realized instinctively that it's part of my job as a father now not to cause Will to worry about me. If I were to give in to self-pity or express my anger in front of him, it would place an unfair burden on this carefree five-year old. If I were to turn inward and spend my time mourning the past, I couldn't be as close to Matthew and Alexandria [his kids from his first marriage]...And what kind of life would it be for Dana if I let myself go and became a depressed hulk in a wheelchair? All of this takes effort on my part, because it's still very difficult to accept the turn my life has taken...
- Still Me, Christopher Reeve

See what I mean about his strength?

Hope you're all having a restful and enjoyable weekend!


  1. Sue -- That is a truly remarkable statement. His words will stay with me all this week. Thanks so much.


  2. I wish I had a tenth of his unselfishness.

  3. I really enjoy your quotes...this one speaks loudly to me today...

  4. I wanted to add that after I posted that comment, I read the excerpt to my husband. To my surprise, he said that it spoke to him as a caregiver -- having to give when he really wants to take, making sure the family isn't worrying about him, all the effort it takes to not turn inward and mourn the past, etc.

    Then we talked about how this made Christopher Reeve's statement all the more remarkable since, despite his disability, he had also dedicated himself to being a caregiver.

  5. Toni -

    That is such a good point! This quote certainly applies to the caregivers in our households.

