
Saturday, January 09, 2010

Quote It Saturday 1/9

I've been severely crashed for the past two days, and it's getting me down. I knew I was overdoing it earlier this week, with driving Ken to Philly for his eye appointment, cleaning, grocery shopping, cooking, and having friends over for dinner. Even so, I didn't expect to feel this bad. Will I ever learn? Poor Jamie is crashed, too, after his science fair yesterday. He and Craig are supposed to sleep over at a friend's house tonight, then go snowboarding all day tomorrow, but it looks like Jamie won't be able to go.

On a happier note, now that the holidays are over, I'm trying to get back into my normal routine, including Quote It Saturday, a weekly feature borrowed from my book blog.

Today, I have several quotes from a wonderful novel I listened to on audio this fall, The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells (author of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood books). It's the life story of Calla Lily Ponder, a girl growing up in rural Louisiana in the tiny town of La Luna. It's a warm, sweet novel that made me laugh and cry. If you're interested in hearing more about it, check out my review.

Here are a few quotes that really spoke to me:

Sadness can find you anywhere, anytime, so you better have fun when you can.

She'd [her mother] say, "Okay, Calla. When you are most afraid, find things to be grateful for."

...A husband is enough. This house is enough. This life is enough. I do not want what I do not have.

Well, pretend this is your to-do list for the afternoon: (1) Breathe in. (2) Breathe out. (1) Breathe in. (2) Breathe out. Count up to a hundred that way and see what happens.

- The Crowning Glory of Calla Lily Ponder by Rebecca Wells

I tried that last one out this afternoon and had a good, solid nap! Hope you're all having a nice, restful weekend and staying warm!


  1. I enjoy Rebecca Wells books so much...did you know she has Lyme Disease? She speaks about it on her site. I like the breathe in and breathe out...use it quite often myself.
    Hope you are on the mend soon ~ and Jamie too.

  2. I did recently hear that Rebecca Wells has Lyme disease. I meant to mention that and forgot - thanks, Renee!

    You'd love this books, especially on audio.


  3. What a great quote. I like the breathe part too! I haven't been sleeping at night so maybe I should try it out tonight when I find myself staring at the ceiling at 3:00 a.m. :)

    Hope you're both feeling better really soon.

  4. Wonderful excerpts, Sue. Like Lori and Renee, I love the breathing instruction. I'm going to try when I lie down for my afternoon nap.

  5. What a perfect to do list! I'm going to have to try that one some time. I love your quotes, and I'm glad you're sharing them.

  6. That's a to do list I can get behind! I'm sorry to hear you're crashed, and I hope you feel better-ish as soon as possible.
