
Friday, February 12, 2010

What a Week!!

We've had a crazy week here in Delaware, with two record-breaking snowstorms, back-to-back. The governor declared a state of emergency two different times, for three days out of five this week, so we were literally housebound (all of us, not just me!) for most of the week. The kids haven't been to school since last Friday, and schools won't reopen until next Tuesday.

Poor Ken spent three days non-stop shoveling and snowblowing our driveway plus two others in the neighborhood - he's exhausted! I really hate not being able to help. I used to actually enjoy shoveling snow. I grew up in the snowbelt (Rochester, NY), and I used to like to clear our driveway before my dad got home from work. I did go out on Wednesday and tried to "just do a little," but after 15 minutes my heart was pounding so hard I thought it would jump out of my chest! I had to lie down on the front steps. And, of course, I was a bit crashed the next morning (though not as bad as I could have been).

The boys have held up amazingly well this week, even though they've been playing in the snow every day and helping to shovel most days, too. We've tried to stick to early bedtimes, even though there's no school, and alternating activity with quiet times (we played a lot of Monopoly and watched some movies!). Jamie's mildly crashed today, after they shoveled a neighbor's driveway yesterday, but he's not too bad.

Overall, I've been doing a little better the past two weeks, after a 6-month long relapse. I'm finally experiencing a few good days and fewer bad crash days. Let's hope it continues because we have a big weekend coming up - it's Mardi Gras time!

We used to live in New Orleans and have had an annual Mardi Gras party since moving to Delaware 20 years ago. We had to drastically cut back after I got CFS (we used to have 50-60 people attend!), but we've kept up the tradition on a smaller scale and with plenty of help from close friends. This is one of our favorite times all year! Problem is, with the entire state shut down most of the week, my plan to do a little each day is shot. Now we have to try to do all the shopping today (Ken's going to help after work), and I'll have to make the jambalya tomorrow morning. The bakery where I ordered King Cakes was condemned yesterday after the roof collapsed, but luckily, I was able to find another bakery that makes them nearby - tragedy averted!

Well, I've been lying here chugging down a big V-8 in preparation for a shopping trip, so I think I'll try getting up now. Wish me luck!


  1. Oh I had wondered how you guys faired with all the snowstorms you have had! We had 10 inches and that was enough...The pictures of you state and others have shown us a lot of snow!
    Hope your shopping trip goes well and your party too!

  2. You sound like you would be so much fun at a party! I hope it turns out fantastic!

    Please drive safe and take care!t

  3. I love your family traditions. We have pancake day coming up on Tuesday but it hardly comes up to Mardi Gras standards. Kind of Mardi Gras British style. The most exciting thing that happens is that someone might toss a pancake and drop it on the floor.

    Try and resist the temptation to shovel! You'll have a heart attack girl!

  4. Dominique -

    ha ha - I used to be the ultimate party girl! CFS has slowed me down quite a bit - now I can't drink, can't stay up late, and have to sit with my feet up during our party, but we do try to still have fun!!


  5. Thanks, Jo -

    We love our family traditions, too! We've tried hard to hang onto them, in spite of CFS. Our kids love all of our celebration traditions, especially Mardi Gras. We took them to New Orleans a few years ago, and they fell in love with it, just like we did 23 years ago.

    Have fun on pancake day!! we are big pancake fans here.


    P.S. Don't worry - no more shoveling - I promise!


  7. Wow is right. what a week! Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Jeff is in Daytona until tomorrow night, so Valentines will be celebrated between Jessie and myself - woo hoo. I'm supremely jealous of the steak and fondue dinner. I haven't even thought of what the two girls will have.

    Have a great evening.

  8. Glad you're feeling stronger and the party sounds so neat!!!
