
Friday, March 05, 2010

Happy Friday!

Ah, it's the weekend! Although that may not mean much to someone who spends most of her time in her home anyway, I still look forward to it. The weekend means that I don't have to get up early (6 am today!!), I don't have to worry about trying to work when I don't feel up to it, and I get to see more of Ken and the kids. Ken returns from his trip tonight. Thank goodness I only had to handle the early morning routine once this time!

I'm still not feeling great but not horrible either - back to that in-between place that I've spent so much time in these past six months.

I experienced a happy coincidence this afternoon! I haven't been able to go shopping (other than necessities like groceries...and you know where that led me) in a long time, but Jamie desperately needed jeans today. Poor kid has been running around in too-small jeans with rips in them for months (just so you don't think I'm a horrible mother, he has to wear dress pants to school). Anyway, there's a Blackout Dance at school tonight, with black lights, to raise money for Haiti, so I promised to take him to Kohl's after school to buy new jeans.

While I was sitting in the chair outside the men's dressing room, waiting for him to try on ten pairs of jeans, I glimpsed an adorable little half-sleeve cardigan - black with cheery white polka dots - hanging on a nearby rack amidst all the men's clothes. I took off my tired old fleece pull-over, slipped it on, checked it in the mirror, and I loved it! It was just my size and on clearance, reduced to only $10! As you can tell, this just made my day. I don't have a lot of money for shopping anyway, but I do really miss browsing the sales racks and looking for something new.

So, now I'm ready for the weekend! We have no plans, nothing to do, no where to go, and the weather is supposed to finally turn nice here with temperatures in the 50's. Enjoy the weekend!


  1. What a treat! It's as if that sweater was waiting for you to see it and give it a home. I hope you find some excuse to wear it this evening -- perhaps just to the dinner table??

  2. I don't know, Toni...I think it would be wasted on dinner with three young boys (my boys have a friend sleeping over)! Maybe I'll at least wait until Ken gets home...I've been thinking it might be nice to go out to lunch with Ken this weekend. It's been ages since we've had any time alone.


  3. Oh, I love stories like that! Enjoy your sweater, and I hope Jamie enjoys his jeans, too :) Have a good weekend; I'm looking forward to a little grilling out this weekend, I hope (supposed to be nice anyway and my hubby does all the cooking that way )

  4. I love it when things like that happen. I found a stereo system I had been wanting for several years now but it was too expensive for 40.00! I have been listening to calming piano music and jazz. Love that.

    You're top sounds adorable! And the price! Can't beat that!

  5. I'm glad you got to enjoy some shopping - for yourself too! And it sounds like it could be a really good weekend! I hope you enjoy it!

  6. Found your blog while looking for info on CFS on the internet. I was diagnosed with ME/CFD on Friday and must admit to feeling shocked and a little lost... but have managed to set up my own blog as a way of coping and of course a way of communicating with people who are in a similar situation.

  7. Hi, Chris -

    Welcome to my blog and (unfortunately) to the world of CFS. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and to comment. I'm glad you found your way here.

    I know how overwhelming it is when you've just been diagnosed. I'd like to help you get started with some treatment options to discuss with your doctor - I'll try to contact you through your blog or you can e-mail me (just click on my profile - there's an e-mail link).

    In addition, you'll also find a wonderfully supportive community of people who understand what you're going through - not just here on my blog, but in this whole network of CFS bloggers.

    We'll help you get through this difficult time - welcome.


  8. Hi, Chris -

    Welcome to my blog and (unfortunately) to the world of CFS. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and to comment. I'm glad you found your way here.

    I know how overwhelming it is when you've just been diagnosed. I'd like to help you get started with some treatment options to discuss with your doctor - I'll try to contact you through your blog or you can e-mail me (just click on my profile - there's an e-mail link).

    In addition, you'll also find a wonderfully supportive community of people who understand what you're going through - not just here on my blog, but in this whole network of CFS bloggers.

    We'll help you get through this difficult time - welcome.

