
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Quote It Saturday 3/27

More busy, busy!!  We're frantically trying to finish planning our spring break trip, so after all that computer time this week, I'm now spending the weekend on the computer, too, looking for campgrounds and hotels and making reservations.  We're taking our pop-up camper and driving to southern Louisiana to visit Cajun country, then spending a couple of days in New Orleans.  It's a lot of driving, but we'll be camping along the way - we can't wait!!

So, just a quick quote today.  It's amazing how often I read something that resonates with me with respect to living with chronic illness in an unexpected place.  This was a middle-grade book, Murder at Midnight by Avi, that I recently reviewed at Great Books for Kids and Teens, my kids' book review blog:

It was the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who said,"If we do not expect the unexpected, we will never find it."
    - Murder at Midnight by Avi

This pretty much sums up my feelings about hope.  Despite all the data that few people fully recover from CFS, I still expect to improve over time and perhaps even recover.  I expect that medical research will continue to progress in time to help both me and my sons.

For more on hope, check out these blog posts I wrote a few years ago on Chronic Illness & Hope and Hope, Part 2.

Hope you're having a good weekend!


  1. you know that's my favorite word. you've got to have it (hope) - simply can't give up.

    your trip sounds like it's going to be so much fun! hope you're continuing to feel better.

    take care,

  2. The trip sounds like it's going to be fun. It's just the sort of thing I'd love to do.

    Great quote. I always try to think opportunistically as well as optimistically. You never know what overlooked gems are under your feet, unless you look!

    And thanks for keeping hope alive. I am sure recovery is possible. And if it's not complete recovery, then some, stable, recovery would be good enough.
