
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Book By One of Our Own!

Our very own Pris Campbell, a CFS sufferer and frequent visitor here and to many other CFS blogs, has published a wonderful book of poetry and prose called Sea Trails: Poems and 1977 Passage Notes.  It's the story of her sailing trip down the east coast, from Massachusetts to Florida in 1977 (pre-CFS), told in a combination of poems, actual excerpts from her ship's log, and maps and pictures.  Although I'm not usually much of a poetry fan, I thoroughly enjoyed Pris' book.  You can read my review at Book By Book, my book blog.  You can also visit Pris' poetry website.



  1. I recommend Sea Trails highly. I loved the combination of poetry, journal entries, and maps. It's hard for me to read books, but I could read this one because it had so many elements to it. And the poems were wonderful.

  2. Thank you both so very much! Sue, your review is linked in my blog now. I really appreciate it.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Sounds great!


  4. This is so inspiring, two books by ME/CFSers, Pris and Toni! I look forward to both. A plus with ME/CFS and poetry is that poems are usually shorter than pros...good for when the brain is on wipe-out. Thanks for sharing Sue! (I have to check out your book blog. You amaze me with all you do Sue.)

    I loved your comment on my blog about camping and so "get" the feeling of our trailers being just the right size for life with ME/CFS... Look forward to hearing all about your upcoming camping trip. If you ever want to head out this way, I've got oodles of ideas of gorgeous places to camp to share with ya.

  5. Yes, I can't wait to read Toni's book, too - it just arrived this week for review and it looks wonderful.

    I wish we could get out your way, Kerry - it's a bit too far for our annual 3-week trip, but I'd love to explore that area with the kids - we at least need to get them to Yellowstone!

