
Monday, July 12, 2010

Movie Monday 7/12

Oh, I just realized it's Monday...time to resume Movie Mondays!  It's hard to remember what day it is during the summer.  I handed Jamie a full weekly medicine reminder box at lunchtime today, and he took the Thursday pills!

We got back into our routine of watching DVDs this weekend with a couple of good ones:
  • Friday night, Ken and I watched King of California - thanks for the great recommendation, Toni!  Michael Douglas stars in this oddball story of a bipolar man who is released from the mental hospital and becomes obsessed with finding a centuries-old Spanish treasure that he believes is still buried on the site where the local Costco now stands.  His 16-year old daughter, who is the responsible adult in this relationship, gets pulled into his quest unwillingly.  Michael Douglas does a great job as a crazy guy, and the actress who plays the daughter is also excellent (sorry, I can't remember her name and don't want to get up off the couch!).  As Ken said (referring to my tendency to choose oddball films), "Definitely quirky, but this one was good quirky!"
  • Craig went to a sleepover Sunday night, so Ken, Jamie, and I watched Sherlock Holmes, the recent release starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law.  It was very good, though more physically violent than you'd expect.  Jamie says it's pretty true to the stories and books, though; they refer to Holmes as being a very good boxer who sometimes had to use his skills in a case.  Jamie's the expert - one summer he read the entire works of Arthur Conan Doyle.  He even carried the encyclopedia-sized book through several airports during a trip to Oklahoma!  Both actors were excellent in this movie.
Saturday night, we enjoyed an evening with old friends from our days in New Orleans.  One family had moved to Memphis for four years and just moved back to Delaware area last month, so we had them and another family over for dinner.  Nothing like old friends who've known you for twenty-five years!

Have you seen any good movies lately?

P.S.  If you or your kids enjoy reading, you might want to check out my other weekly Monday post on my book blog that lists what all of us have been reading the past week.


  1. Hi Sue! Both of those movies sound good. We just got Netflix, so maybe I'll add them to the list. The Michael Douglas one sounds especially interesting. I love quirky movies.

    The dinner get-together sounds like it was a lot of fun as well. Hope you're doing well.

  2. Me and Jamie are totally kindred spirits. I did the same thing! My passion for all things Sherlockian began after reading Robert Newman's 'The Case of Bakery Street Irregular'. A book which, I still have and read occasionally.

    A conference with a librarian and signature from my mother later; I had special dispensation to enter the hallowed 'Adult Section' of the library. Seconds later The Complete Sherlock homes was in my hot little hands. I lugged it everywhere.

    I loved the new Sherlock Holmes as well. The action was true to the character of Holmes; who practiced judo, as well as boxing.

    As for movies, might I recommend a couple of my favorites? 'Cold Comfort Farm' and if you like foreign, there's a lovely little Italian film called 'Caro Diario', funny, poignant and familiar for those of us with CFS.

  3. Hi, Maya -

    Yes, you sound just like Jamie! I couldn't believe it when I found that huge book in his backpack on that trip! Our most recent time flying to Oklahoma, he wanted to bring our hardcover, extended-version of The Stand! I convinced him a small paperback might work better for the trip. Books come first!

    Thanks for the movie recommendations - I'm always looking for good ones to try!


  4. I really enjoyed Sherlock Holmes, although I've never met a Robert Downey Jr. project that I didn't like.

    It's great to have you back in the regular blogosphere!! xo

  5. Thanks, Annie!

    I like everything Robert Downey Jr's done, too - he's one of my favorite actors!
