
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The State of Me now an e-book!

Great news for those of you who prefer to download your books and read them electronically (I haven't tried it yet!).

The wonderful novel, The State of Me, written by fellow CFS blogger Nasim Marie Jafry, has just been released as an e-book at The Book Depository.  You can download it here.  It's also available as a paperback for those of us who still read books the old-fashioned way!

The State of Me is a wonderfully written novel about the life and loves of a young woman who happens to have ME/CFS.  I highly recommend it - check out my review.


  1. Great review! I'm really curious to read this but it's not yet available in audio-book format (the only way I can read books at the moment). I'm sure you know, but this book helped to inspire the documentary currently being made on ME/CFS, called What About Me?

  2. Thank you Sue. I was looking for another book to read so I will definitely be checking this one out.
