
Monday, November 15, 2010

Movie Monday 11/15

Monday, Monday.  I made it through the weekend without Ken - our Saturday get-together helped a lot!  I'm tired but doing a bit better than last week.  That seems like both good news and bad news to me - I'm certainly glad to be doing better, but now I'm wondering if the Immunovir was making me worse last week.  I'll just have to wait and see.  I'll restart my trial of it after I feel like I'm back to my "normal" baseline. 

More good news: Craig's knee injury was not serious - the orthopedic specialist he saw this morning just wants him to do some physical therapy.  He thinks a contributing factor is that Craig's joints are very loose and flexible (it's very common for kids with CFS to have loose or hypermobile joints).  So, four weeks of PT should do the trick.

The boys and I did enjoy some movies last week:
  • Friday night, the three of us watched Die Another Day, a James Bond flick.  It was classic Bond - lots of action, cool technology, and the good guys won in the end.
  • Sunday night, we watched Ocean's Eleven.  I've been wanting to share this one with them for a while, and they loved it!  I told them it was kind of like a cross between The Sting and The Italian Job.  They enjoyed the star-studded cast and the cleverness of the plot.  Jamie was excited to hear there are also Ocean's Twelve and Thirteen!
  • I watched a couple of movies myself that I knew Ken didn't want to see (split up over the course of several evenings!).  The first was When Did You Last See Your Father? starring Colin Firth.  He plays a man whose father is dying (that's why Ken didn't want to see it).  Much of the movie is flashbacks to his childhood and teen years, showing why he has such conflicting feelings toward his father.  It's a melancholy, thoughtful movie, exploring the complexities of the relationship between a father and son.  I really liked it.
  • I also watched Personal Velocity (which Ken would have proclaimed "quirky!").  It's three mostly unlinked stories of different women, each with her own problems and flaws.  It's got a very "real" quality to it, as we watch each woman trying to find her way in the world and find her own brand of happiness.  Ken would have found it depressing, I think, but there were elements of hope in each story.  It will definitely appeal more to women - not a lot of action but lots of emotions.
Have you seen any good movies lately?

1 comment:

  1. Ocean's 11 is one of my favorite movies. It is also a remake. The original is also quite good and worth watching.

    I saw Flawless this week. If you like Oceans 11 you'll like this one. It is a heist movie with Demi Moore and Michael Caine. Good plot twist. Good acting. I love the set and costume design.

    I also managed to make it to a real cinema and saw Megamind. It was really funny.
