
Sunday, January 30, 2011


My computer problems continue.  After a third trip the The Apple Store on Friday, I thought everything was OK.  My laptop seemed fine for about 24 hours, then suddenly, the original problem that began this whole torturous ordeal returned!  So, it's back to the Genius Bar today, and my stress levels are soaring once again.  I'm at the point of just wanting to live without computers forever!

Then, in the midst of this horrible week, I noticed a pleasant surprise.  While I was busy trying to fix my laptop problems at the end of this week, my CFS blog hit 100 followers!  What a nice treat in the midst of all this stress.

Thank you, to all of you, for reading and following my blog!  I never dreamed when I wrote my first post almost 5 years ago that I would someday have so many people reading my blog.  I was stunned when I got my first comment! 

Because of you, I really don't even think of this as a stand-alone blog anymore but as part of an online community.  Writing here, reading other CFS blogs, and interacting with all of you has enriched my life in ways I never dreamed when I started this.  I can't imagine how people managed to live with chronic illness before the internet.  I have made so many friends here.  Thank you for reading, commenting, writing, and for all of the support, encouragement, and friendship you've given me these past five years.  I feel truly blessed.

sigh...OK, I guess I wouldn't want to live without a computer after all.  I better get back to my problems.  Thank you!!


  1. Congratulations Sue for your 100 followers! You offer alot to us and we give thanks for you! You certainly are showing perseverence with your computer problem. Yikes!
    What an ordeal.

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    100 followers is totally cool, Sue!

    Your Mac troubles WILL pass, and when they finally do, you'll be running forever. I'm jealous, you know. I want a Mac. PC-land is constant annoyance.

    So, I looked up my very first post and here it is!:

    Saturday, May 24, 2003

    I have absolutely nothing to say! I just wanted to BE here today, creating this new world.

    In other words, "testing, testing.. 1,2,3..."

    Isn't that thrilling?! It would be many years later that I would add comments-access to my blog. In fact, it was a long time before Blogger even had a comments access, and then when they did, I could not figure out how to incorporate it until they finally upgraded their technology and made it easy. The whole look of the blog changed dramatically then.

    I remember meeting you via MomWriters, but I don't recall what year it was...


  3. That is great! I'm not surprised though. Your blog is excellent and I am learning so much from you. I am so glad we are virtual friends. I too don't know how I would tolerate being housebound without the internet and our online community. Congratulations!

  4. Judy -

    You were my very first virtual CFS friend!! You responded to my Momwriters note on March 21, 2003 (yes, I never throw anything away!), and I was so unbelievably excited to find a kindred spirit!! You helped me so much - thank you!


  5. Happy centennial - or - centen something :). You say so many valuable things, I'm happy you have such a crowd listening.

  6. Congratulations! That is a huge milestone!

    You are right in that our blogs have linked us all together, creating a community of sorts. I'm glad that I stumbled upon your blog and that I got to meet you and your family!

    You are a blessing!

    Now...for the laptop. Is it perhaps time for an exchange?

  7. You rock! Congratulations :-)

  8. Congrats on the 100 followers Sue! I love finding your posts in my feed reader, especially when I'm feeling poorly.
    Go you!

  9. Sue, that is so totally neat! Nope, don't give up your computer:-)

  10. Sue,
    I have had a really rough few days, which after a few good ones always makes it worse - and the only word that kept going through my head was ALONE - i just felt so alone - and its no one's fault or short comings - so as it got later and later this evening and i couldn't' sleep i decided to head to your blog - and i just picked a topic "friend" and found this post - thank you - i don't feel as alone any more -
