
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blogging Break

Just a quick note to let you know I've decided to take a brief break from blogging for the rest of this week.

I had a really rough day yesterday, with several incidents that pushed me over the edge, emotionally, and I'm feeling very overwhelmed.

One of those incidents was my oldest son, who himself is overwhelmed and exhausted from trying to make up 4 weeks' missed work at school, saying, "This illness has ruined my life.  I am nowhere near a normal teenager."  It broke my heart and still brings me to tears as I type this.  All of us in our family try very hard to stay positive most of the time, to look for joy in our lives and remember to be grateful for all that we have....but sometimes, the reality of what we're up against is just too much to bear.  This illness is particularly unfair to kids and teens.

That came on top of feeling very overwhelmed lately.  I just feel like I am trying to do too many things...and am failing at all of them.  One of those things is keeping up with blogs - both mine and others.  I know it's been ages since I've visited some of your blogs, despite my best efforts to keep up, and I apologize for that.  When I found myself snapping at my family last night because I was so stressed over online happenings, I realized I need to take a break.  It may sound counter-intuitive to take a break when I'm already feeling behind, but I need to focus just on taking care of myself and my family for a few days.

Thanks, in advance, for your understanding and patience.  One comfort right now is knowing that this online support network is always there for me, even when I can't keep up.  I know you all understand.

See you again soon -


  1. Oh, Sue, it is so important and so right that you are taking care of you and your children first. Taking a break is necessary at times. It does break our hearts when our children suffer ~ goodness, you son is going through a lot and his body is fighting hard to right itself. Don't blame him one bit for finding his life stinks at times...wonderful that he can express it as you know Im sure and yet so hard to hear. I was going to tell you that the herb, Hou. he is on for Bart is very strong and powerful my Lyme dr told me. I start it soon..rotating three herbs for Bart..Cumanda, Banderol, and Hout. Will be keeping you guys in prayer as you regroup and restore your balance. Gentle hugs, friend.

  2. Sue - I'm so sorry that things are rough right now. I could feel your pain as you typed your son's comment. But I'm so glad that you have the wisdom to know what's right for you to do right now: to take a break from the Internet. You're not obligated to post or to read other people's posts. Your family comes first as does your own well-being.

    Take good care of yourself.

  3. Don't worry about it. We get it. Probably more so than most.

    Take as much time as you need. You have been doing lots lately and then all the illness. Go take a nice hot bubble bath. We'll be here when you get back.

    Hugs to you and your family.

  4. Sue - I am so sorry. I developed CFIDS when i was your son's age and know only too well the frustration, anger, desperation and agony of not getting to be a 'regular kid'. As an adult, I now relate to what you are experiencing - the feeling of being stretched and tired and sick and still wanting and needing to be there for our families. You are an extraordinary mother, wife, friend and leader. I know i speak for all your fans when i say we're thinking of you and hope you find some respite during your break - we will miss your doses of wisdom.

    Please hang in there and bravo for realizing what you need to do to recalibrate again.


    Brita, NYC

  5. I'm so glad you are taking a break. I think it is a good idea.

    It breaks my heart to know one of the boys is struggling. Gosh how I know and understand those moments.

    I think trying to live in such a fast paced world with an illness like ME is just almost impossible.

    Taking a break and withdrawing I think is something most of us probably should do a lot more of.

    I hope you all regain some of your balance in the days ahead.

    You and your family are amazing. I often think about our lunch in Tulsa. You don't see many families like your anymore, Sue. You all are truly blessed.

    Sending you lots of hugs, love and prayers!

  6. I completely understand this need. Take the time you need and prioritize the important things like family! So sorry your son feels this way. I feel like I was "young" at 31 when I got ill and it's ruined my life but I can't imagine what a sick child/teen must go through.

    Take care and we'll "see" you when we "see" you. I always enjoy reading your well written and thoughtful blog.

  7. Thinking of you Sue. Take care xxx

  8. Sue,
    I've never posted a comment to your blog before, but I and my mother both read it faithfully. I have had CFS since 1988 and have also recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Your post today moved me so much, especially when you say that it's counterintuitive to take a break when you're already so far behind. A break is exactly what you need! You'll be able to take up your online life again when you feel ready to, and when you do, we will still be here, feeling for you and rooting for your family, as we have done all along. You have given so much to this online community; many thanks to you!

  9. Yes, of course we understand! Take a break and let go of the guilt. I love FlyLady's mantra: You are not behind. Jump in where you right where you are.

    Take care of yourself and your family. I'll be praying for you. Hugs.

  10. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Sue I agree with the others here. Please do take time with your family. Your strength is in being able to band together and help each other. I hope your son can also take a break from school, even if it takes longer to complete that way. Sounds like some naps and movie nights/early nights are in order. xox


  11. Oh boy do I understand this ~ I put pressure on myself to get to people's blogs and comment and all of that, but honestly? Even if I am weeks late, it doesn't seem to matter. The fact that you come by when you can is what matters to me. No worries about that.

    As for the other, because I was a teen with CFS (oh so many years ago now), I my heart goes out to you and your boys. I never thought about how hard this was on my mother, back then, and I'm sorry you all are so overwhelmed - nobody can be positive all the time, so I'm glad you have each other to talk to about this.

    Hope your time off is proving restful and recuperative.

  12. Martine10:17 PM

    Sue, I hope you're NOT reading this right now.
    We DO understand, truly we do.

    Take care you yourself and your family and let them take care of you. You're a constant source of courage and positivity for us all, please remember that.

    "See you" soon (soon is when you're ready)
    Take good care Sue…
    Best, Martine

  13. Sue,
    Please do take care of you and your family first. They need you and it sounds like you need some good rest and some time to focus.

    I'm sorry your son is having such a hard time. I can't imagine doing this as a teenager....

    Blessings and peace to you,
