
Monday, September 19, 2011

Movie Monday 9/19

Rough day...all three of us were down and out today.   Jamie played soccer on Saturday for the first time since spring - just three 10-minute periods, but that was enough to crash him.  Craig slept over at a friend's this weekend and forgot to take his Florinef...then forgot it again Sunday morning!  Plus, I think allergies are bothering him, too.  As for me, I've just been doing way too much for way too many days in a row - very achy today.  At least my husband is back home now, after a week away.  That helps!

Not much time for movies last week, and the kids were still totally engrossed with the TV series on DVD they've been watching most of the summer - Bones, The Office, Taxi, and their most recent obsession, The Big Bang Theory.  I did treat myself to one movie:
  • After my exhausted kids went to bed early on Saturday night, I watched Remember Me starring Robert Pattison and adorable Emile de Ravin.  Annie over at It's Time to Get Over How Fragile You Are recommended it, but she also warned me it was really sad.  She was right on both counts!  I loved this movie; it's an in-depth character study of two people trying to recover from tragic losses in their lives who find each other.  Despite its sad moments, it's really a movie about the healing power of love and family.  Thanks for the tip, Annie!
  • While away last week, my husband watched a couple more discs from the series The Pacific.  He watched Band of Brothers on previous trips and has really enjoyed both series set during World War II and produced by Tom Hanks.
Have you seen any good movies lately?

(If you are also interested in what we are reading this week, check out the Monday post at my book blog.)


  1. Joel and I watched Life As We Know It on Sat.night. We both thought it was really cute...predictable and funny...happily ever after...which fits my needs on tough days.

  2. I'm sorry that it has been a hard Monday for all of you.

    My family and I watched Get Low and a movie called The Music Never Stopped. We particularly enjoyed The Music Never Stopped! =)

  3. Hope you all feel better soon.


  4. Me again Sue! We're back to rain again here so the computer calls me! I started watching In Treatment last night - zoomed through the first 5 episodes to stop myself obsessing about other things! I've wanted to watch it for ages and it was interesting and thought provoking so I think I'll go back for more. The kids and I have all just read I am Number Four and The Power of Six and enjoyed them. Have heard the movie is disappointing though?
    I've been wanting to ask how you have parented your sons as far as school attendance goes. If they wake up not wanting to get up is that it or do you encourage them to get out of bed and eat first (if they can)? And do you remind them of the advantages of going for an hour or whatever their routine is or just leave them not to be influenced by you? I guess because they are on Florinef they aim for full school attendance most of the time so perhaps this isn't so relevant for you? My guess is that you so completely understand how they feel that you let them do what they want?
    Apologies for more questions from me! No hurry on the answer, just if you get a moment sometime.....

  5. This week I have watched Cabin Fever (gory but fun); The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (disappointing, dated and not even close to being scary); and He's Just Not That Into You (a funny, brilliantly acted and accurately observed dramatic rom-com).

    I have watched a few episodes of The Pacific and really enjoyed them. Band Of Brothers is, of course, exceptional.

    Hope you are all having a good week.

  6. Renee -

    Life As We Know It sounds nice! Sometimes you just need pleasant and happy endings!

    Sarah -
    I hadn't heard of either of those before - I'll have to look for The Music Never Stopped. Thanks for the tip!

    Chris -
    Sounds like you had a gore fest going there...until you hit the rom com! I haven't seen any of those yet.


  7. Hi, Annie -
    Oh, no...we deal with PLENTY of school problems, believe me!

    I am WAY overdue for a blog post about dealing with schools for kids with CFS.

    Because I also live with CFS, I know first-hand how harmful it is to push yourself when your symptoms are flared up, so I would never push the kids. I know they both would much rather be well and in school than sick and at home, so I trust them to know when they have enough energy for school and when they don't. Pushing when you feel bad only makes you feel worse.

    In fact, they were both home yesterday, and it looks like they may both be here today, too. We'll see - Craig is still sleeping.


  8. Yes, you confirm what I feel Sue. Thanks.
    BTW, have you seen the UK 'Guidelines for Schools' document

    or the Australian 'invisible illness' document

    I don't think either have been govt sanctioned but our schools here been interested in them. We're doing okay here so far as still primary/elementary school until the end of this year. Next year will be much more challenging.....
    One day at a time : )
