
Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Summary of IACFS Meeting

The International Association for CFS/ME (IACFS) held its biennial meeting in Ottawa this fall.  Dozens of top CFS researchers reported on their scientific findings.  I wish I could attend something like this, but even the 4-hour NJ CFS Conference wiped me out last year.  So, I was thrilled to find this excellent summary of the IACFS Conference, written by the renowned Dr. Lapp.  He summarizes all of the key research studies in easy-to-understand language.  I highly recommend you take 10 minutes to read this - there is just so much good information here.  And it is all very encouraging - so much excellent scientific research going on in so many critical areas!


  1. Inquiry, please contact me.

  2. Thanks for posting this Sue. x

  3. Sue,
    I'm new to your blog. My wife and I live in San Diego. I'm 62 y.o. and I've been dealing with CFS for 10 years. I find all my symptons in what others say on your blog. Some of them describe 'our' problems very eloquently. Thanks to you all. I enjoyed the writing you guided us to, 'IACFS'. This is the very first-drum roll-site I've ever reached out to. I'm sure I'll be back often. I have the time if little energy!
    Bob Deering

  4. Sue, I'm so glad you posted this. The reference to a 10 minute read finally got me to look at it. I linked to it on my Family FaceBook page. There are about 25 people in my generation of my Dad's family. 5 of us have dealt with CFS and/or fibro.

  5. Thanks Sue, I had read most or all of this before on one of the association sites but picked up some new things. Firstly, a primer - yay. Let's hope a) it's internationally distributed and b) includes a specific section for adolescents. Secondly, 'the balloon like leggings' described as used with heart patients (EECP I think it was ) may fit with the whole leg massage therapy we've discussed... Interesting.
