
Monday, January 16, 2012

Movie Monday 1/16

Whew...lots of ups and downs last week and this weekend.  Jamie finally made it to school for a few classes at a time last week and managed a full day on Friday, though his energy was still very low. 

Craig turned 14 on Friday!  We celebrated by taking two of his friends along to the Poconos for the weekend.  We stayed in my mom and her husband's condo which is literally steps away from the ski lift.  The three younger boys spent all day Saturday snowboarding and skiing and had a blast!

Jamie wasn't feeling well enough to join in the outdoor fun, and on Sunday, he got a stomach virus - guess he picked it up during his brief time at school last week.  Poor kid was shaking with fever and chills just when it was time for our 3-hour drive home.  He's doing a tiny bit better today and hopefully will recover more fully by tomorrow.

So, it was a busy week without much time for movies, but here's what we fit in:
  • Last night and tonight, with Craig exhausted from snowboarding and Jamie sick, we hunkered down in the family room and watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (it was almost 3 hours long, so took us 2 nights to finish!).  It was good, like the others in the series, with lots of action, big pirate battle scenes, and a good sense of humor.  This one had a very complicated plot.  The kids loved it.
  • I forgot to mention last week that Ken and I watched Larry Crowne after the kids went to bed.  I was thrilled to watch something other than an action flick for the first time in months!  It's tough being outnumbered 3 to 1 as the only female in the house.  Ken and I both enjoyed it very much - a sweet, funny story about a middle-aged good guy (played by the ultimate good guy, Tom Hanks) putting his life back together and falling for his pretty but messed-up teacher, played by Julia Roberts.
  • On Saturday, I kept Jamie company in the condo watching lots of episodes of Modern Family (we gave the kids the Season 1 DVDs for Christmas) which had us laughing like crazy and kept our spirits up.
  • Today, Jamie kept himself laughing with episode after episode of The Simpsons (Season 6).
Have you seen any good movies lately?


  1. Joel and I really liked Larry Crowne too...of course we love both actord in it too. We watched Water For Elephants Friday night and I found it to intense and violent for me, but lately I seem more susceptable to this kind of movie...adrenaline surges and all! Joel liked it a lot.
    Looking forward to see The Help soon..

  2. I loved The Help (both book and movie). I also want to see Water for Elephants because I loved the book. I know what you mean about intense movies - I couldn't take them at the start of my illness!


  3. I'm sorry to hear that Jamie is feeling so poorly lately. I hope he improves soon!

    Belated happy birthday to Craig!

    I actually went to the movies last week and saw War Horse with a good friend. (It's exciting to be able to do something like that!) Great movie to catch once it is out on DVD for all of you. Moving story line and there is dialogue, but enough action to keep the guys interested too. =)

    I also watched Martian Child recently and thought it was very good.

    I'll have to look into Larry Crowne. My parents and I are big fans of Tom Hanks.

  4. War Horse sounds good, Sarah! And how exciting to actually see a movie in the theater! Lately, we only get to the theater once a year - for the annual Harry Potter movie. I think this year we will try to get out in March when The Hunger Games is released!

    And I loved Martian Child.


  5. I didn't know Hunger Games was going to be a movie?
    I rarely get out to the theatre too, same reason - Harry Potter film.

    I love Modern Family...such a good laugh.
    I'm so sad Jamie is still having such a rough go of it. Here's to a better 2012.

  6. Sorry to hear about Jamie. Stomach bugs are the worst.

    I'll have to try and find Larry Crowne. It sounds right up my alley.

    I finally watched the original Nikita film, Le Femme Nikita, which is in french and filmed in 1990. Violent in bits but with an ending I didn't expect.

    I don't remember if I mentioned that hubs and I watched the new version of True Grit which I really enjoyed. It is a good story with some great acting.

    I also rewatched some movies I had seen before but wanted to see again because I liked them: Sorcerer's Apprentice (Nick Cage version) and Prince of Persia. Much fun.

  7. Baffled -

    Oh, I would really like to see the new True Grit and I had forgotten about the new Sorcerer's Apprentice. My sons loved Prince of Persia and have watched it several times!

