
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New ME/CFS Study Looking for Participants

This weekend, Dr. Levine told me about a new ME/CFS study looking for participants (Dr. Klimas is also involved).  Unfortunately, I don't qualify for this one, but I offered to post the requirements here to try to help find more participants.

This new study will be looking into infectious agents related to ME/CFS, a very worthy purpose!  The study is in need of both ME/CFS patients as well as age-matched controls.  Here are the requirements for ME/CFS participants:
  • Age between 18-65
  • Must live within 100 miles of NYC
  • Must be off all antibiotics and antivirals for at least 3 months (possibly 6 months for antivirals) - the study will be recruiting patients all year, so there is time to go off these meds, if you want to, though, obviously, the doctors don't want you to go off meds just for the study if it will affect you adversely.
  • The study is particularly interested in recent onset, within 3 years, though I believe those who've been sick longer can also be included.
  • Abrupt onset or gradual onset is fine.
  • Study is especially interested in patients who are at least 50% disabled, i.e. able to function at only 50% (or less) of how you functioned before getting sick.
  • If you can also supply your own age-matched control, even better! 
All that is required is a brief questionnaire (either online or over the phone) plus one visit to Dr. Levine's office in NYC for blood and tear samples.  ME/CFS patients get $100 for participating; controls get $50.

Even if you don't qualify as a patient, if you have a family member or friend interested in helping ME/CFS research as a control (within 100 miles of NYC), that would be helpful as well.

E-mail Dr. Susan Levine if you and/or a healthy control are interested in participating.


  1. Anonymous1:33 AM

    My friend and I were the 1st to participate in this study; VERY exciting!! Well, except for the test you forgot to mention...the stool sample :( Actually it wasn't that bad and if it can help in some way it was worth it.

    1. Anonymous11:39 PM

      Are they still accepting patients for the study?

    2. Since this was from a year and a half ago, you should check with the study coordinator - use the link provided to e-mail Dr. Susan Levine.
