
Monday, February 11, 2013

Movie Monday 2/11

We had a very busy week and weekend, culminating in our annual Mardi Gras party Saturday evening. In the old days, we'd have over 50 people here! It's a much smaller affair now, and I get lots of help from friends, but I still felt hungover Sunday, even though I couldn't have any beer at the party!  But it was fun and good to see our friends.

So, we only had time for one movie last week, Friday evening:

My son and I have been wanting to see Pitch Perfect for a long time, and all three of us thoroughly enjoyed it! It's a musical comedy about a college a cappella group that is trying to spice up its tired old routines. Beca, played by Anna Kendrick, is not happy about being at college; she is there because her father insisted on it, at the college where he teaches, but she is not eager to join in on campus life. She wants to move to LA and be a DJ, so she gets a job in the campus radio station. Her father says that if she joins one club and really gives college a try, she can leave if she doesn't like it after a year. So, Beca reluctantly joins the all-female a cappella group whose co-leader has been pestering her since she heard her sing in the shower. The traditionally prim and proper group needs 8 new members after its seniors graduated, and the group they manage to round up is very un-traditional - a group of diverse misfits with good voices. This movie is just pure fun - lots of laughs, a great cast, and wonderful music. My favorite movie website lists its mood as "pick-me-up," and that is perfect - pitch perfect! My son loved the music so much that he immediately downloaded the soundtrack from iTunes. A great choice for Glee fans!

Have you seen any good movies lately?


  1. TOTALLY loved it too Sue! Took both my kids and even 11 year old son liked it (though he is still bit guided by his big sister!) Of course we loved the token Australian who we share a surname with..Rebel Wilson - the best singer in Tasmania ....with teeth! Ah laughter...the best medicine. Aiming to catch The Silver Linings Playbook when I get a chance...very different kind of movie I believe! Oh and we LOVED 'Perks of Being a Wallflower" : )

    1. Oh, yes, she was great!! The highlight of the movie :)

      I really want to see Silver Linings Playbook, too, but we rarely get out to the theater.

      And people keep telling me both to read Perks of Being a Wallflower AND to see the movie!!

