
Friday, March 01, 2013

New ME/CFS Website Offers Support

I have still been tied up taking care of my son, with little time for any writing or blogging, but I wanted to take a moment to tell you about a new ME/CFS website that an online friend of mine has launched that I'm really excited about.

The site is called MEcuperate, and one of the things I like about it is its very positive and life-affirming focus, as you can see just from its name. Its focus, as explained on the homepage, is very similar to that of this blog - to help people to LIVE with this illness, with emphasis on support, encouragement, and inspiration.

There are many informational portions - including Managing ME, Recipes, and Useful Links - of the website, but its real potential comes from its interactive aspects.

So, get started by registering for the site with a username and password. Then you can participate in its discussion forums or add your comments to any of the areas of the site, including recipes, pasttimes, crafts, and many others.  Two areas I am most excited about are the book club and movie/TV club, where participants can discuss books and movies. The first Movie Club selection is Skyfall, so once you are logged in, feel free to add your thoughts and comments!

I'm excited about this new way for people with ME/CFS to connect with each other and hope you will go check it out!


  1. Hi Sue. I went to the website and when I clicked on a link got a warning that said something like this: This might be a 'phishing' site [I don't think I spelled that correctly] that might ask you to disclose information such as passwords that it would then use without your permission.

    So…left the site. Odd indeed.

    I hope you're doing okay despite your new caregiver duties.

    1. Sorry to hear that, Toni. I just logged out of the site and tried my links here and had no problem with them. I let Jenny, the site owner know of your difficulty.

      It's actually kind of funny, when you think about it. What exactly do they think the site is phishing for? It's not like there is a bank called "MEcuperate"! ha ha (Phishing is where a scammer sets up a phony site that looks like the real one to try to get you to enter your username and password - for example, I fell into a phishing scheme by someone posing as Chase Bank where we have our auto loan.)

      Given that, I would go ahead and enter the site despite the warning - I can vouch for it as I have watched her progress as she's set it up.

      But she will look into it - it may just be the software you are using for security.


  2. Thank you for letting me know about this problem, it's very strange! I can assure anyone looking that I do not have access to passwords!

    Really sorry you encountered this, we're looking into it, but as Sue said, the site is genuine and hopefully you'll like it and join us :)

  3. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I registered for the site, but never got my confirmation email. Now I can't get in. What should I do?
    Melinda Bates

    1. Melinda -

      Jenny, the site owner, says to just e-mail her at and tell her your username. She is meeting with the site administrators (her tech team) tomorrow to sort out any problems.


  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Thanks, Sue. Jenny and I have touched base via email.
