
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Leave of Absence - August

Just wanted to post a quick note so that no one worries about me!

We have a crazy busy month coming up, with vacation (yes, we get to go!) and all the exhausting prep that goes with it, a big family gathering, and getting the boys ready for the return to school/college. So, I probably won't be posting much here in August. When we vacation, we camp and are mostly tech-free (that's part of the point) and once we get back we will be very busy, so I won't be checking in for a while.

For those of you who've been following our recent medical saga, my husband's eye surgery went very well and was the best possible outcome. He had no new retinal tears, no sign of retinal detachment, and the bleeding was just from a broken blood vessel connected to an old repair. A quick laser repair did the trick, and he is now recovering and seeing a little bit better every day. Thanks for your kindness and concern this past week.

We're still not exactly sure when we'll be leaving on vacation, and we need to come back a bit earlier than expected, but the doctor gave him the OK to travel, and we are thrilled that we will have our little getaway - we've waited 14 months for this!

So, I'll post again when things settle down here, toward the end of the month. Hope everyone enjoys a happy and relaxing August!


  1. Have a great time. Take as best care of yourself as possible. I hope you enjoy your unplugged time :)

  2. Hope you are able to enjoy your vacation! Have fun!
