
Friday, October 11, 2013

Learning to Live with ME/CFS on Facebook!

I am severely crashed this week - my once a year, major, stuck in bed kind of crash. At least it's usually just once a year now instead of all the time like it was at the beginning. I suspect my son's cold last week triggered this.

So, I haven't done any writing this week (or much of anything else for that matter), but I did manage to set up a Facebook page for this blog. I've been meaning to do this for a while. I've noticed blog traffic generally slowing down lately (not just on my blog), as more and more people "hang out" on Facebook and interact in groups there. Also, in managing my own Facebook account, I often have to say no to friend requests from blog readers and others in the online CFS community. I decided long ago to keep my Facebook "friends" limited to just family and close friends I know in person (or know very well) - otherwise, it just becomes too complicated for me to keep track of. But I know that some people with CFS use Facebook almost exlcusively to connect with others with CFS.

So, with all of those considerations, I now have a Learning to Live with ME/CFS Facebook page! Check it out and "like" it, and you will be able notified of new blog posts right on Facebook. I am also hoping it provides for more interaction among blog readers - now you can leave comments here or on the Facebook page. Even though I removed the word verification from the comment section on this blog (and believe me, I get some really awful spam because of that!), I still sometimes hear from people who say they wanted to comment but didn't know how.

So, "like" the new page, and I look forward to seeing you there!

I am still trying to figure out how to put a link to the Facebook page in the sidebar here, but hopefully that will be up by next week.

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