
Friday, September 12, 2014

I'm Still Here!

Just wanted to pop in for a quick post to let you know I am still here!

It's been a hectic couple of weeks here, moving my father-in-law cross-country from Oklahoma to Delaware and helping him get settled here. I spent all of this week driving him all over town - dentist and doctor appointments, stores, soccer games. I've only been home long enough to sleep and cook meals! He's 89, and I think he's held up with the hectic schedule better than I have.

The movers came today with all his stuff, so we helped him move into his new independent living apartment at a complex close to us. So today was grocery shopping and lots of unpacking. I've enjoyed eating lunch with him in the dining room there the past two days. He seems to really like it so far; it was tough for him to move so far away after spending his entire life out west, but I think he is very happy to be close to us and not so isolated anymore.

So, my husband and I actually have a quiet evening together, after weeks of travel and craziness. We plan to catch up on our favorite TV shows! Yeah, I know, major excitement, right? I'm just glad to be lying on the couch with nothing urgent to do for once.

I've got lots of interesting blog posts written in my head, so hopefully, I will actually have time to get them written in real life next week.

My father-in-law and my husband at our son's soccer game this week.

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