
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Weekly Inspiration 4/24

Ah, I am way overdue for some inspiration, both here on the blog and in my own life! These past few weeks, I have been wrapped up in just getting through each hectic day. So, I wanted to get back to my Weekly Inspiration feature.

Fittingly, this week I chose a TED Talk about happiness and smiling!

Ron Gutman gives this brief but inspiring talk on the research behind a simple smile - that smiling can lengthen your life and predict future success, for instance. Check it out:

I bet you smiled all the way through the presentation, didn't you? I did! That's another thing he talks about - how smiling is contagious. And best of all? Smiling is something we can all do that doesn't cost a thing and that even the sickest person can manage.

All of this bodes well for me - I am a very smiley person (as you could probably tell from my writing and my frequent use of exclamation points! I'm trying to cut down.) The smallest things can make me smile - flowers blooming out my window, a bright blue sky or interesting-looking clouds above my deck, even a vibrant shade of nail polish (I am currently wearing Not a Cloud in the Sky).

Now, I need to go check out my old yearbook, like Gutman describes in that research, to see who turned out successful and happy!

Hope you are enjoying this lovely holiday weekend. Find something to smile about today.

Bright nail color makes me smile, as do blue skies!


  1. I love how smiles are contagious. You can't keep frowning when someone smiles at you. Thanks for sharing on Small Victories Sunday link up.

  2. As a smile-a-holic I love this. Visiting you this week from Small Victories blog hop. Feel free to visit back

  3. Wow I loved this video! Smiling can turn our moods around, and who doesn't need that from time to time! Thanks for joining the Link-It To Me Link Up Party this week, looking forward to seeing you again next week!
