
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekly Inspiration: Inspiring Posts on Other Blogs

Yes, I'm still here. Sorry there were no new posts here this week (in between Sundays); life has just felt like it is spinning out of control lately. Physically, I had a rough week as my erthyromelalgia flared up badly and spread from just my toes to include my heels, too. At one point, the bottoms of my feet were so sore, I could barely walk barefoot across the room (and I haven't been able to wear socks since September!). Meanwhile, there was just a lot to juggle this week - I negotiated an awesome refinance on our mortgage (which is exciting but took a lot of energy), we had a false alarm scare for 24 hours where we thought our car had been stolen (bit of stress), and both of our college sons came down with a stomach virus. One came home for some TLC and the other stayed at school. I have been wiping everything down with disinfectant nonstop!

Anyway, enough about me. This is Weekly Inspiration, not weekly complaining!

Today, I thought I'd go back to the origin of blogs - did you know the word blog is a shortened version of weblog and that blogs were originally intended for just that, a log of cool stuff on the web? Yup, blog originally meant a list or log of links to other websites.

My own blog is sorely out of date, including the list of other blogs - I intend to work on that as soon as things slow down here (ha ha) - so I thought I'd introduce you to some inspiring posts on other blogs - maybe we can both discover some wonderful new blogs together.

Here are some recent inspirational posts for your enjoyment:

To Get Better This Year Means Getting Better Today on the blog A Chronic Voice.
This brief post shares a very important message, all about taking one day at a time and focusing on today rather than long-term expectations that feel unattainable. Great message and very well said, including some inspiring quotes.

10 Simple Ways to Love Yourself for Valentine's Day on the blog Lilac and Lyme.
A wonderful list of self-indulgences for taking care of yourself. This is definitely something I need to focus on more in my busy life! I wholeheartedly agree with her on reading books and watching old I Love Lucy episodes. In fact, in the early days of our illnesses when my son and I were both severely ill and often homebound together, he and I watched I Love Lucy every day. We can still get laughing together over a funny episode (like when Ricky thought he was losing his hair and Lucy tried her special "treatment" on him!), and my son still often reminds me that laughter is the best medicine!

[NOTE: just a quick warning - her first suggestion is a bath. Anyone with Orthostatic Intolerance (that's 97% of those with ME/CFS, 75% of those with fibro, and many with Lyme) should avoid hot water and keep the temp at or below body temperature. Hot water dilates blood vessels, making OI much worse and making you feel sicker.]

Reduce Stress with an Adult Coloring Book on the blog Xo, Faith.
Blogger Faith delves into the recent adult coloring book craze and the new reports of its ability to reduce stress. I have been known to get my kids' old coloring books and crayons out! I haven't tried any of the newer coloring books, created for adults, yet, but I really want to. I could seriously use a little zoning out time for myself.

Four Tips for Maintaining Resilience When Battling a Chronic Illness on the blog Living Mighty Well.
This post features a short profile of a teen with Mast Cell Disease and POTS, with 4 ways that she makes the best of her life with chronic illness. Inspiring and very relatable for most of us.

The Soundtrack of a Chronic Life on the blog My Brain Lesion and Me.
She provides an overview of the role that music plays in our lives and how it can inspire us or express what we are feeling. She also includes a few excerpts of lyrics from some of the eclectic group of songs that she can relate to. I heartily agree on her choice of The Climb by Miley Cyrus - I always find that song inspiring, and it is on my own Cheer Up/Happy playlist!

Hope you find some of your own inspiration among these wonderful blogs and this wide variety of topics. I think I'm going to pull out the coloring books this week...and maybe watch some old Lucy episodes with my son today!

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Thank you so much for including me on your Weekly Inspiration Posts. Am honoured and what an incredible list of fantastic posts from other Chronic Illness Bloggers.

  2. Dear Sue,
    Sending you healing thoughts and hope the coming week is much better to you! Thank you so much for including my Valentine's post in your list. I truly appreciate the shout out! Blessings, Valerie

    1. You're welcome, Valerie - it was a good post & I was glad to be able to share it. And you inspired me!

  3. Thank you for sharing my blog post. I'm honored to be included here. I freaking love coloring. It's not just for kids either. That and zentangles are the best. Sometimes having me time without any electronics or distractions is such a great thing to do.

    1. You are so right, Danielle! I definitely need more quiet downtime just for me!
