
Thursday, June 23, 2022

News From Our House: Chronic Illness Update

I realized this week that it's been two months since I recorded a video related to chronic illness (I've done lots of books videos in between because they are usually short and take less energy!), so I decided to record a little update of my past few months. 

This is just a casual conversation about the ups and downs of my illness recently, but it also includes some information about how I came out of my post-COVID relapse and how I track my symptoms/illness severity:

Oh, and I included some photos and video clips of fun stuff, too, including some very peaceful nature videos!

You can see all of my chronic illness videos on my YouTube channel.

In this new video, I refer back to a recent blog post, ME/CFS, Lyme & COVID: Relapses and Recoveries for details of what helped me recover from my various relapses.

I've already had two crash days this week (unusual for me) and am trying to take it easy today, so that's it for now. Please let me know if you have any questions.

How is YOUR chronic illness life lately?

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