
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Chronic Illness Vlog: Doctors, Improvement, Nature & a Small Celebration

I just uploaded a new chronic illness vlog, from last week. My vlogs show an honest view of my life with ME/CFS and Lyme disease, with all its ups and downs.

Last week was actually pretty good, an excellent trend for me! I am finally coming back to life after my terrible relapse last fall, where one set of hormonal shifts sent my whole body into chaos. In this video, I mention a couple of doctor's appointments: one that helped my back pack and another to my primary care doctor for another--and hopefully the last--adjustment to my thyroid meds. I am gradually getting back to a more stable place health-wise. 

Since I was feeling pretty good, I was also out and about more than usual and able to take advantage of some nice weather and early signs of spring!

You can watch my video on Youtube or I'll insert it right here:


How are YOU doing?

What was last week like for you?

Let me know in the comments below.

You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Kathy8:10 PM

    My husband is going on four years with ME/CFS, Lyme, Babesia, and Bartonella. Did you find treating your tick borne illnesses helped alleviate some of your PEM?

  2. Yes, absolutely!! Any improvement is almost impossible with those infections out of control. And the immune dysfunction of ME/CFS means that our bodies under-respond to bacterial infections (both Lyme and bart are bacterial).

    My son is in the exact same situation - ME/CFS since age 10 and those 3 tick infections since 12. Unfortunately, we missed the bart and babesia for 3+ years so they went untreated, and he just kept getting worse. It's essential to treat tick infections. Both of us are now fairly active and able to do quite a bit without crashing - he starts his first full-time job next week, which feels like a miracle to us.

    Each of those 3 tick infections requires different treatments, so it's complicated and requires an expert (Lyme Literate MD) to help. Here’s how to find one near you:

    Good luck to him! It can be a long-difficult road with those 3 infections, but improvement is possible!

