
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

New 15-min Documentary on ME/CFS & Other Patient Stories

Image & logo from Solve ME -

My energy is still lower than usual since my COVID infection five weeks ago, so writing longer posts is on the back burner for now. But I saw an excellent mini documentary this week that I wanted to share with you.

This short film, just 15 minutes long, tells the story of Elizabeth, a young woman with severe ME/CFS who was at one point bedridden and completely non-functional. She's been able to improve enough to sit up with her family once in a while and even speak on this film, but she is still severely limited. This mini biopic does a great job of showing how disabling and debilitating ME/CFS is.

You can watch the short movie here (sorry this one can not be embedded into my blog).

It was created by an ME/CFS charitable organization called #NotJustFatigue. You can read a bit more about them here. At the bottom of both pages are links for more information or to connect. There are more patient stories - told through a photo and short quote, starting here.

The movie and the other patient stories are very powerful and well worth sharing.

The fabulous research and advocacy organization Solve ME also has a website for patient stories, Humans of Chronic Illness, and you can add your own to their site. It's their image and logo I included above.

What is YOUR story?

Let me know in the comments below.

You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.

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