
Friday, December 06, 2024

Diets Recommended for Chronic Illness: Paleo, Keto, Carnivore

I finally edited and uploaded my video on the three diets most often recommended for ME/CFS, long-COVID, and other immune disorders: paleo, keto, and carnivore diets.

The video describes each of these three different diet options in detail, including what each entails, how they can benefit someone with chronic illness, and lots of ideas on what kinds of foods to eat, with plenty of suggestions for meals, snacks, and recipes. All three of these diets are often recommended for a wide variety of medical conditions, including immune disorders like ME/CFS and long-COVID, autoimmune disease, and any health problem that involves inflammation. They are all low in inflammatory foods, low in foods likely to exacerbate food allergies or intolerances (which are very common in ME/CFS and long-COVID), and good for those with yeast overgrowth (also very common in ME/CFS due to our specific kind of immune dysfunction). Surprisingly, these diets are also very tasty, with a wide variety of flavors, and are easier and less work than a traditional diet.

We have tried all three and have seen benefits in reduced symptoms, increased energy, and better control of yeast overgrowth. We ate paleo for about a decade or so, and I wrote a detailed blog post about the paleo diet, if you prefer to read about it. However, as I explained in the video, I now know it was a mistake to make exceptions to it, so ignore the modifications I talk about in the post! When I have more energy, I'll update that. It worked well for us for a long time and might have continued to work for me, if I'd been stricter with it. At the start of 2024, I ate mostly carnivore for three months, which helped to get my yeast overgrowth under control. And since April, I have been eating more of a keto diet. My husband has also been eating keto, all year. We both lost weight (though that was not my intention), and my cholesterol and triglycerides are the lowest they have ever been, by a lot!

You can watch the video on YouTube or here:

These diets have definitely helped my son and I over the years. In fact, discovering my son was severely gluten-intolerant in 2020 and getting him on a gluten-free diet (which all of these are) was a key to his current excellent condition. Eliminating gluten and following a paleo/keto/carnivore-ish diet (he eats sort of a mash-up of the three these days) helped to not only improve his gastrointestinal symptoms but also significantly improved all of his symptoms. Since June, he has been working a fairly rigorous, physical job in the field he studied full-time! It still feels like a miracle to us, but he says it's the best he's felt in as long as he can remember (he's 30 now and has been sick since age 10).

We are still learning, so I would love to hear about your experiences (or your questions).

Have dietary changes helped you?
Have you tried any of these diets?
Please share your experiences with diet or your comments and questions.

You can leave a comment below.

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