
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And She'll Have Fun, Fun, Fun....

It's time for a new attitude! I need to get back to focusing on what I CAN do, instead of what I CAN'T do.

I really appreciated all of the great comments you've left on my last blog entry, about having fun. And reading all of them made me realize something. I don't think that having CFS is really my biggest problem when it comes to not having enough fun. My problem is the same as it was before I got CFS: I feel like I should always be doing something productive. So, when I have unstructured time, like on the weekends, I'm always trying to cross items off my to-do list, instead of just relaxing. I feel guilty if I'm not accomplishing something. CFS has actually helped me in this respect; I now accept that there are times when I need to just rest and do nothing. But I still have trouble relaxing if I'm feeling well. And isn't that just silly? Baby Blues, my favorite cartoon, says it best. Maybe this is something all Moms struggle with:

So, I am recommitting myself to my goal of making time for fun each day. And, since I often don't know what to do, if I'm not working down that to-do list, here is my list of FUN things I can do:
  • Take a short, easy walk, alone or with friends or family
  • Play a game with my kids
  • Read for fun (not just at naptime or bedtime)
  • Watch a movie or a favorite TV show
  • Work on a jigsaw puzzle
  • Do a crossword puzzle
  • Play a computer game
  • Call a friend, just to chat, without a purpose
  • Invite friends over for take-out or lunch or dessert
  • Meet a friend for lunch
  • Browse the sales racks at a favorite store, when there's nothing I need
  • Sit on the deck with a book when the weather is nice
  • Go out to dinner with Ken
  • Play with iTunes and discover new music
  • Take a short hike at a local park
So, last evening, instead of burying myself in my laptop as usual, I played games with Craig (pick-up sticks, Pay Day, and Jenga) and worked on a puzzle with Ken. And I had fun!

I know, I know. It's pretty sad that I need to make a list in order to have more fun, but it's progress for list-addicted, over-achieving me! Baby steps.


  1. Fun was a problem for me too pre-CFS. Really relate to this "scheduling-in" some fun. I suppose it comes with practice.

    I had fun last night. Went to a new sound healing group a friend of mine is running. I went to sleep on the floor! But everyone sang to me. It was lovely.

    Keep having fun.


  2. That sounds great, Jo! Healing and fun...whoops, there I go again, looking for fun that is also productive (ha ha). Glad you found something to enjoy -


  3. What a great idea! I'm taking your post as a challenge. I'm going to set a date and have my friend over for dessert. I also love the idea of making a list of fun things and committing to doing at least one every day. I might have to try that out too! Thanks for the nudge.

  4. I so relate to this: I often feel like stuffing my 'good days' full of the things I have to do, in case a bad day is lurking around the corner. I'm working on, it, but it's a tough one.

  5. What a great to-do list! Enjoy!


    P.S. I need to make a list too.

  6. I agree - great list! I, too, am trying to focus on the positive and what a great way to focus on the fun things we can do instead of the fun things we can't do! Thank, Sue, for the inspiration. As such, for Valentine's instead of trying to do too much, Mike and I are going to order in and watch a DVD while Adam goes to Grandma's.
