
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Working Hard

I've been feeling very good this week and have been able to work on several writing goals, so I thought I'd share some of my latest work with you (don't worry - I'm taking time out for fun, too!)
  • I've launched a new book review website, Great Books for Kids and Teens. I plan to post new reviews to it at least once or twice a week, so please tell the young people in your life!
  • I added a new book review to my grown-up book blog, Book By Book, too.
  • I updated my writer's website, including my page on CFS (though there's still more I'd like to do with this page).
  • I discovered that an article I wrote on CFS appeared on the Lively Women website last fall (somehow I missed it!)
  • And I pitched a brief CFS article to a major women's magazine. I'm hoping to expand my freelance writing into health, especially CFS. I'll let you know how it goes!


  1. What a great article for Lively Women! You have some exciting irons in the fire right now. Best of luck on your projects, and please be sure to let us know how things turn out!

  2. Thanks, Shelli -

    One of my goals this year is to expand my writing business, for financial reasons if nothing else! If I can help to educate people about CFS while also making a living, even better.


  3. You're article at the Lively Womens website is great!

    You've got a lot of good things going on! Good luck!


  4. What an inspiration you are! I shall be watching carefully as I'm hoping to build up my own writing career.


    PS Would it be ok to link to your blog from my blog? I set up a widget gadget thingy but deleted it again realising it would be polite to ask first.

  5. Jo -

    Thanks for the kind words! And, yes, I'd love for you to link to my blog. Thanks for asking. Hope you're feeling better today -


  6. Sue - you have such a gift. Whenever I can't get someone to understand what we are going through, I'll use your writings to help!
