
Monday, November 08, 2010

Movie Monday 11/8

Another Monday.  I'm still having crash symptoms, presumably from my flu shot a week ago but started Immunovir today.  Jamie felt fine, even after a soccer game and a sleep-over on Saturday, and went to school today.  He even managed to finish all of his make-up work in time for the end of the marking period.

Craig, on the other hand, is in bad shape.  He woke up with pretty bad CFS symptoms this morning - sore throat, congestion, OI dizziness, and feeling feverish (typical for him).  Amazingly, he made it through the entire first marking period without a single school absence (perfect attendance is like the Holy Grail for my kids!).  I figured the Friday night school dance plus Saturday soccer and sleep-over were just too much for him.  He felt a bit better in the afternoon - as is typical for him on a crash day - and played a little basketball with Jamie when he came home from school.  But he came back in after a few minutes, complaining of pain in both knees AND both ankles.  He also asked me if queasiness is an OI symptom.  So, nausea plus sudden-onset joint know what I'm thinking, don't you?  Sounds an awful lot like Lyme.  We'll see how he is tomorrow.

We didn't watch a lot of movies last week, but the two we saw were both amazing:
  • Invictus, starring Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela and Matt Damon, was just as incredible as we'd heard.  There was a long waiting list at the library, but it was finally our turn.  The whole family loved this moving, inspirational story about how Nelson Mandela used South Africa's rugby team (and its star player, played by Damon) to bring the country together.  My Quote it Saturday post was the poem, Invictus, from which the movie takes its name.   Highly recommended.
  • I also brought Precious home from the library last week.  As soon as Ken saw it, he said he didn't want to watch it.  I told him I knew that, so I watched it while he was away this weekend. Precious was everything I'd heard it was - violent and disturbing but also moving and exceptional.  It's about a young girl working to overcome her abusive upbringing.  As I anticipated, the abuse scenes were difficult to watch, but the movie overall was just so poignant and, ultimately, uplifting that it was worth it.  After all, the best movies make you feel something, right?  This is a brilliant film.
Have you seen any good movies lately?

P.S. To hear about what books we're currently reading, check out my Monday post at Book By Book.


  1. No movies this week. I finished Craig Ferguson's American on Purpose, which I highly recomend. I started Butcher's Grave Peril which is the wizard equivalent of a trashy private eye novel. I also started watching X Files from the begining. Way fun seeing those again. I had forgotten how good those shows were.

  2. Baffled -

    I always forget to mention it here, but I do a summary of books read last week every Monday at my book blog,

    We were big fans of X-Files! It would be fun to watch them all again!!


  3. So sorry to hear you are still struggling from the flu shot...Also sorry to hear about Craig...oh crap was my first thought. Sure hope it is not Lyme. Joel and I loved Invictus...Excellent. I do not have the inner strength to watch Precious. Joel and I watched the documentary BABIES this past weekend and loved it....Lifting you in prayer!

  4. Make sure he's also tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Lupus & so on - his symptoms mirror so many auto-immune diseases and disorders in addition to Lyme. I was misdiagnosed with Lyme because of my symptoms in 1994. I actually have, as you already know, Psoriatic Arthritis & Ankylosing Spondilitis, and since being treated for PA & AS, I've become better, gradually over time. My old pcp still doesn't agree with the PA/AS diagnosis! Even though the whole time I was treated for Lyme (11 years), I didn't get better, I got worse. Regardless of the outcome, I hope you get answers! I hope you're all feeling better soon. (I can't have the flu shot - any time I got it, I was seriously ill with the flu; when I don't get it, I don't get the flu & haven't had it in years, thank goodness!)

  5. Yes, Precious is definitely not for everyone, Renee, even though it was very, very good.

    I really want to see Babies!

    We'll see what happens with Craig - he was perfectly well until today, so if it is Lyme, it's very early.

    My neighbor across the street just got Lyme (and the doctor tried to tell her the sudden severe joint pain was arthritis).


  6. The world of Auto-immune diseases and disorders is so frustrating! The same symptoms mirror so many different diseases/disorders, there aren't 100% definitive blood tests that can say yes you have this or no you don't (I've had false positive tests for Lyme before) and some doctors have their own opinions as to which disorders/diseases are to be taken seriously... I'm so glad he's feeling better and hope he continues to feel well! :-) I loved X-Files in the beginning, what a great show! I'm going to check out your book blog, I'm an avid reader myself (though I'm terrible with reviews!).
