Friday, November 13, 2009

Life Returning to Normal

Several times in the past six weeks, I've written that I was back to normal, then crashed again the next day, so this time I waited to be sure.

I've still got a bit of lingering chest congestion/cough, but I have been improving a little bit each day this week. No more fever, sore throat, or those terrible aches that went on for weeks. Our house is clean (no thanks to me - our cleaning service came this morning!), I got groceries, and Ken came home from his 9-day trip last night at midnight. Life really does feel like it is returning to normal, and, somehow, my own limited "normal" seems wonderful to me now!

Even better news is that Jamie only missed one day of school after his crash last weekend, then felt good the rest of the week. He and Craig had a blast on their day off Wednesday, running around with friends, and both of them still felt well enough for school on Thursday. We had friends over Tuesday evening for soup and fun (the kids played flashlight tag and my friend and I watched a girly movie - The Secret Life of Bees - loved it!).

Tonight, I'm making New Mexican Pork Chili for dinner with homemade cornbread. I'm thrilled to be able to cook again after being so sick for so long! Jamie is supposed to play in his last soccer game tomorrow morning, but it's still supposed to be raining (it started on Wednesday), so we'll see. The poor kid has missed most of his soccer games this season due to either illness or rain. I was really hoping to take the camper out for one last short camping overnight on Saturday, but I don't know if the weather will cooperate or if I'll be able to convince Ken to leave after 9 days away from home!

Whatever happens, it feels great to feel like myself again. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


Lori P said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. That's funny because I asked Jessie if she was feeling normal today because she's been doing so well lately. Her answer was that she doesn't remember what normal is.

Anyway, the food sounds delicious. Have a good weekend!

Sue Jackson said...

Lori -

As my OB/GYN told me at my 6-week appt. after Jamie was born when I wondered when things would return to normal, "It's new normal"!


Blue-green Damselfly said...

Yay! Hooray for the New Normal. I shall adopt that phrase.

Sue Jackson said...

That's going to be the title of my book about CFS, if I ever get around to writing it..."Finding a New Normal". I think 2010 will be my year...


Renee said...

Hi Sue
Glad you are feeling better and that your sons were able to have a fun day off.
I have The Secret Life of Bees on my list of movies to see...glad you enjoyed it so much. I like Sue Monk Kidd's writing...I think the first book I read from her was way back in the 80's. Speaking of books..I will look forward to reading yours!