Hello! I haven't been posting much here on weekends lately because I've just been too busy (and sometimes away). My extra-busy summer flowed right into an extra-busy September! Part of the problem is that I've been in physical therapy for an arm/shoulder injury, and that is taking up a LOT of my very limited energy & time each week (note that if you need PT for an injury, print these
guidelines for PT for patients with ME/CFS - these have really helped my PTs to understand my limits!).
Eating crabs with two of my closest friends |
So, today's inspiration is all about connecting with friends, which can be a serious challenge when you spend so much time alone at home or expend all of your energy with your family. But friendships are SO important - friends not only provide much-needed support, they can also bring a lot of joy into your life.
I wrote this article for the
ProHealth website:
Staying Connected with Friends While Ill. You can read the article at the link, and I will post the full text here on the blog in a month.
The article includes:
- What to say or talk about with old friends whom you now feel you have little in common with due to your illness
- How to stay connected to old friends
- How to know when it's time to let go of friendships that are no longer working
- How to make new friends, both online and in real life, whether you can get out a bit or are stuck at home
- If you have sick kids, teens, or young adults, you can apply these same tips to help them
After 15 years of living with ME/CFS and Lyme, I've had a lot of experiences with friendships - both good and bad. Through it all, though, I've managed to stay in touch with old friends, let go of friends who couldn't deal with my illness, and make new friends who have enriched my life. And I am fortunate to have a few
really amazing friends who have stuck with me through bad times and good and bring so much joy to my life.
I'd love to hear about YOUR experiences with friendship while ill. What have been your biggest challenges? Did you lose a friend because of your illness? How have you made new friends or stayed connected to old ones? Leave a comment below!
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