Sunday, March 15, 2020

Weekly Inspiration: Coping in a Crisis

How are you and your family during this challenging time? Let's share our burdens (and our joys!) here and extend some kindness and support to each other.

Things are fine here. We started to mostly self-isolate this weekend, as our state experienced its first cases and declared a state of emergency. We are a bit worried about my 94-year old father-in-law (who lives nearby in independent living), so only my husband is visiting him for now, which is sad because isolation is also a concern for the elderly. Our son (with chronic illnesses) returns today from a weekend visiting his girlfriend in NY, so I'm a bit concerned about where he's been and what he's been in contact with. He's supposed to work (as a waiter in a restaurant) tonight, which is also a concern. Many of the counties surrounding our state (we are very close to the state line) have closed all non-essential businesses, including restaurants. But, overall, we are fine and our house has never been cleaner! I took advantage of the time alone at home yesterday to declutter some areas that were long overdue.

Here are some resources and sources of inspiration to help you during this unprecedented time:

For the practical side of things, read my blog post about Coronavirus and ME/CFS, which includes links to other sources of information, plus how we have helped to improve out immune system function over the years--treatments that would be very beneficial now. My post on Treating Virally-Induced Crashes is also helpful now for those (most of us) who experience a relapse just from being exposed to viruses. There is also this very interesting news article on quecertin (a supplement many of us already take for allergies and MCAS) and how it might be effective against COVID-19.

On the emotional coping side, you might find my article, Roll with the Punches, helpful; it's about how living with chronic illnesses helps to train us in how to respond during a crisis, with some tips on what to do when the unexpected happens (I think what is happening now qualifies!).

I spent this morning writing down excerpts from Hallelujah Anyway: Rediscovering Mercy by Anne Lamott in my Quote Journal - this is such an inspirational book that I had about 25 quotes to write down! I recently wrote a Weekly Inspiration post about this book, with a selection of my favorite quotes, for a sample. I found this book particularly inspirational this morning (again), as it is focused on mercy and kindness, which we all need right now.

This post from February, Weekly Inspiration: When Difficult Times Hit is filled with all kinds of suggestions to help you weather the typical downtimes in this disease--but also perfectly applicable during the pandemic. It even includes some recommendations of great TV shows, books, and podcasts to help distract you and your family!

Another post, Weekly Inspiration: Dealing with STRESS has more tips and ideas for weathering challenging times.

I think what we all need most during this time is simple kindness (even if it is given virtually, online, or over the phone). My post Weekly Inspiration: Compassion includes an inspirational TED Talk about compassion. In this time when people are clearing the store shelves without regard to others (toilet paper seems to be an especially valuable commodity!), let's each try to show each other kindness, compassion, and support instead. are YOU and your family doing? Please share your concerns, challenges, and joys in the comments below or visit my Facebook page, where there is a warm and supportive community.

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