We had a very low-key, relaxing holiday weekend. Just what we needed! Our younger son traveled to Connecticut to help his grandparents get their sailboat ready for the season, and our older son came home from college last week, so it was odd having the older one here but not the younger one. Our college son, Jamie, was off with friends for much of the weekend (he is still feeling great!), but he also spent some down time watching movies with us and catching up on TV shows:
Friday night, while my husband was out golfing, Jamie and I ordered pizza and found an interesting-sounding movie available for free on amazon, Surveillance. We were both a little disappointed in it, but it was OK. It's about two FBI agents who come to a small town to help the local police track down some brutal serial killers. There were three survivors from the killers' latest massacre: a little girl, a woman who's a drug addict, and a police officer. The movie follows each of their interviews, but their stories just don't add up. There are some surprises here (though Jamie said he figured it out half-way through!), and it's a unique story. It's just not an excellent movie - decent but not excellent.

We also tried a new TV show this weekend, Defiance. It's another sci fi story, this one set 30 years into the future after aliens have invaded earth, in a town called Defiance where humans and various alien species live side by side peacefully. We've watched the first two episodes and are hooked already!
Have you seen any good movies or TV shows lately?