Thursday, March 17, 2016

New ProHealth Article - Balancing Hope & Acceptance

I am continuing to recover after my bout of both flu and bronchitis last week. I'm feeling much better overall and able to function pretty normally again. I'm still coughing and sometimes sound like Darth Vader when I breathe (and my husband says I've been moaning in my sleep!), but the inhaler and Mucinex continue to help, and it keeps getting better.

My latest article has been published on ProHealth website's Inspiration Corner: Balancing Hope & Acceptance. You can read the full article at the link, and I will reprint it here on my blog in a month or so.

This article deals with the delicate balance in chronic illness between accepting your current condition and making the best of things, while still holding onto hope for a better tomorrow.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on both acceptance and hope, either here in the blog comments, on the ProHealth article's comments section, or on Facebook or Twitter.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

(In case you missed it, my ProHealth article for February was The Joy of Celebrations, with tips on how to easily make a day like today into a special occasion! I just painted my nails a lovely shade of green and hung our St. Patty's Day decorations up. Going to get the corned beef started soon.)


Adele Paul said...

I wish I could go through and highlight the exact words I have thought during my struggle with CFS. Awesome!

Sue Jackson said...

Sorry you could relate so well to my struggles, but I hope the article helped a little. One thing is for sure - you are not alone!

Buba4Turtle said...

That's great you're getting better! Flu and bronchitis is terrible. I'm sure your voice was a bit rough.

I'm headed over to ProHealth to read the article. Thank you for sharing it at Chronic Friday Linkup! This was pinned to the Chronic Friday Linkup board at

Buba4Turtle said...

Hi, again! I tried commenting on the ProHealth site, but it kept taking me to a Page 404 when I submitted my comment.

There is a constant struggle between accepting an illness and knowing there is hope. Accepting an illness is not a form of giving up, in my opinion. For me, acceptance was the first step in realizing that there is hope. Even after years of living with an illness, as you know, the struggle still exists. Thank you for an encouraging article!