Friday, April 14, 2023

Chronic Illness Vlog 4-11-23: Busy Week, Mild Crash, Easter & Spring!

I haven't posted much here lately because life's been BUSY! That's a good thing in many ways because it means I am continuing to feel well. I can now say confidently that I am back to my baseline, where I was in 2019, which is pretty good. I am able to be more active, take walks again (yay!), and manage some social time without crashing. 

In  fact, we are preparing for our first week-long vacation since 2019!! That's not entirely because of my health (nor the pandemic), but due in large part to the fact that we were caring for my father-in-law who had dementia. However, I do feel excited about this trip, rather than worried, which is great! This is also our first time taking our camper out this year, and I am very much looking forward to the quiet, slow pace of a camping trip.

In my latest Chronic Illness Vlog, posted this week (recorded last week), I talk about having a busy schedule (too busy, as it turned out--I did have to leave my book group early and had a mild crash day), enjoying a wonderful Easter visit with my family, an update on my son's first full-time job (he's had ME/CFS since 2004), and as always, some lovely nature footage to immerse you in the sights and sounds of spring. You can watch it on Youtube or below:

I'll leave you with a view of what next week will be like for us!

How are YOU doing?

What was last week like for you?

Let me know in the comments below.

You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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