Thursday, February 23, 2023

Chronic Illness Vlog 2-21-23: A Week of Small Celebrations

I haven't posted a vlog since December, so I recorded one last week. My chronic illness vlogs are honest views of my life with ME/CFS and Lyme, shown through short video clips made over the course of a week.

Last week, I was feeling pretty good, with just a few low-energy days. Mostly, though, given the time of year, it was a week filled with joy due to celebrations of smaller holidays: Superbowl (just before I recorded this), Valentine's Day, and Mardi Gras. You can check out my video, Celebrate Everything, Big and Small, for my tips on adding joy to your life by celebrating the small stuff, with minimal effort and energy!

This vlog also includes some peaceful, calming video outdoors in nature.

You can watch last week's vlog on YouTube or below:

So, how was YOUR week last week? Do you have traditions for small celebrations?

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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