Friday, May 24, 2024

30 Great Book Recommendations for Spoonies

I thought many of you would enjoy a books video I made this week, featuring 30 different books--all of which I've enjoyed--that were either written by a disabled author or feature a character with some sort of illness or disability. There is something here for everyone! The books I included cross all types and genres, fiction and nonfiction. There are even quite a few books by or about ME/CFS (including great, fun novels!). If you struggle to read these days because of your illness, I listened to many of these on audio, and there are lots of middle-grade and YA novels included here, too, which are often easier to read but are just as well-written as adult novels. 

You can watch the video on YouTube or I will include it here:


This week was absolutely crazy for me. I usually try to keep my schedule light, alternating days with something out of the house with quiet recovery days at home. This week, I had something (mostly social engagements, which are tiring!) every single day, and two things on Tuesday. I took my elderly book buddy out for lunch, had a game night with friends (out in the evening!), went to a friend's mom's memorial service (during naptime!), attended my book group, and had massage therapy today. Whew. By now, on Friday evening, I'm pretty tired, but ... still not a single crash in 2024! That's mostly thanks to treating thyroid dysfunction (very common in ME/CFS) last year and switching to a very strict diet that finally got my chronic yeast overgrowth (also common in ME/CFS!) under control. I'm very grateful for all I am able to do now, though I'm ready for a quiet holiday weekend at home.

How was YOUR week?
How are you doing?

Please leave a comment below.

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