Dr. Peter Rowe is a renowned ME/CFS doctor and researcher and the only doctor in the U.S. specializing in pediatric ME/CFS since Dr. Bell's retirement. Dr. Rowe is also the first doctor who noticed and documented the presence of Orthostatic Intolerance (OI) in ME/CFS and began treating patients for OI, with often dramatic improvements in their overall functioning resulting.
As you can tell, I am a big fan - although he's not been able to take on new patients (except for those participating in his studies) for many years now, he has helped our family immensely by working with me and with our doctor via e-mail and phone. He spent hours on the phone with our pediatrician when our boys first got sick, teaching her all about OI and how to treat it, until she felt comfortable treating our sons. Treating OI was miraculous for both of them - got them each back to school full-time! - and it has also helped me to greatly improve my function and stamina.
Dr. Rowe recently did a webinar for Solve ME/CFS that you can watch here:
He also answered some questions afterward, and you can read his Q&A's here (Part 1) and here (Part 2). All of it is very informative and helpful to ME/CFS patients.
If you are wondering whether this applies to you, studies show that over 97% of those with ME/CFS have some form of OI...so, yes, it does apply to you!
Addendum 8/19: Solve ME/CFS has added two more Q&A sections from questions gathered after Dr. Rowe's webinar: Part 3 and Part 4.

I have had Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) since March 2002. Both of my sons also got ME/CFS at ages 6 and 10. Our younger son fully recovered after 10 years of mild illness. Our older son still has ME/CFS and also has Lyme disease plus two other tick infections. This blog is about how our family lives with chronic illness, with a focus on improving our conditions and enjoying our lives in spite of these challenges.
Thank you for posting this very interesting information. I have read some of your other posts and admire your positive outlook and approach to dealing with this chronic illness. It's very encouraging that you are noticing positive changes in your health. Wishing you continued progress in your recovery.
Thanks so much for the kind words, Barbara. I plan to write a summary post this week listing all of the treatments that have helped my sons and me, so check back!
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