Sunday, July 16, 2023

Weekly Inspiration: From Chronic Illness Bloggers

Once in a while, I like to round up some of the wonderful inspirational posts I've seen on other chronic illness blogs and share them here with all of you. That way, you not only get motivation, comfort, and joy from a wide variety of sources, but you can discover some other great chronic illness blogs, too! Here are some recent posts that I enjoyed and found useful:

From Sheryl at A Chronic Voice

Sheryl is a good virtual friend of mine (we live on opposite side of the globe) who has a wonderful blog, loaded with chronic illness advice, inspiration, and people's stories. As a bonus, you can watch her interview of me on her podcast, Sick Lessons, when we enjoyed a great conversation about life with chronic illness, including a lot of smiles and laughter because we were so happy to finally meet "in person."

Sheryl recently added to her popular list of Chronic Illness Quotes to Inspire, Motivate, Grieve, Hope, and Laugh About. The quotes are from authors, poets, celebrities, famous historical figures, and even from herself, and each brief quote is combined with beautiful graphics. Browse through these lovely quotes for inspiration, support, and a few laughs anytime you need a pick-me-up!


Sam of My Medical Musings

Sam is another wonderful chronic illness blogger I've gotten to know who has multiple, complicated diagnoses. She's written a very thoughtful post, Is It Time to Wave the White Flag or Is a Plan of Attack a Better Option? It's all about the exhausting and never-ending battle we are all fighting to get accurately diagnosed and to find effective treatments that will improve our quality of life. She knows how important this process is, but considers whether we might sometimes need to take a break from it. Like all of her posts, it is compassionate, thought-provoking, and very relatable.


Tom Seaman

Tom has a thoughtful new post, Understanding and Improving Our Stress Response to Reduce Pain and Suffering. In it, he delves deep into the role that stress can play in chronic illness and chronic pain, and how our emotional reaction to what happens to us can worsen our physical suffering. He describes how negative emotions and stress can affect our bodies and shares his own experiences, as well as some helpful tips and additional resources.


Kathy of Upbeat Living

Kathy has multiple chronic illness diagnoses that dramatically affect her life, and during a recent flare, she wrote Managing the Frustration of Chronic Illness: 6 Tips. She describes some of the common frustrations of life with chronic illness and then reviews 6 practical steps that anyone can take to reduce their stress and cope with frustration. It's a great post for when you're feeling overwhelmed.

I hope you've found these blog posts useful.

Do you have any favorite chronic illness blogs?

Please share them in the comments!

You can also connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.


A Chronic Voice said...

Thank you so much for the love, Suzan. I appreciate you so much too and I still recall our little interview on Sick Lessons like yesterday - it was so much fun chatting with you. You are such a wonderful, upbeat person even though we were both having Plan B days haha. Sending hugs!

Kathy said...

I was pleasantly surprised to find my blogpost in your post today. Thank you so very much for sharing it!

Sue Jackson said...

I had fun during our chat, too! Happy to share your wonderful blog and inspiring quotes with others, Sheryl :)


Sue Jackson said...

Happy to share a good blog post, Kathy! I did let you know, in the comments in Chronic Illness Bloggers for last week's share, but you might not have seen that. Great post!
